Foul Play: Germans Ask Rome for Novelties They Have Already Introduced. On Easter – Lay Liturgy Instead of Mass In German-speaking dioceses, lay liturgies are multiplying - even for the highest holidays …More
Foul Play: Germans Ask Rome for Novelties They Have Already Introduced.
On Easter – Lay Liturgy Instead of Mass
In German-speaking dioceses, lay liturgies are multiplying - even for the highest holidays. Gloria.tv has learned that believers of several dioceses are protesting because of parishes where all Easter liturgies are presided by lay people. Lay Easter liturgies seem to be popular especially in Cardinal Marx’ Munich archdiocese.
Austria: Graz Diocese is the Pioneer
The Austrian trailblazer for lay liturgies is Graz diocese. In January, it published a 41-page handout for lay Christmas, Easter and Corpus Christi liturgies. In its preface, Graz Bishop Krautwaschl writes that these feasts should have a – quote - "liturgical expression" in every parish, even if the - quote: "customary full form of celebration" is not possible. Krautwaschl presents the handout as something that should be - quote: "further developed" by daily use.
Lay Christmas, But Saint Stephen's Day with Mass
The …More
comfort ye
For shame. They should practice some humility and request missionary priests to help them from Nigeria or Vietnam, where people know what it is to live and die for the true Faith.
A Pâques - Liturgie laïque au lieu de la messe
Dans les diocèses germanophones, les liturgies laïques se multiplient - même pour les fêtes les plus importantes. Gloria.tv a appris que les croyants de plusieurs diocèses protestent à cause des paroisses où …More
A Pâques - Liturgie laïque au lieu de la messe

Dans les diocèses germanophones, les liturgies laïques se multiplient - même pour les fêtes les plus importantes. Gloria.tv a appris que les croyants de plusieurs diocèses protestent à cause des paroisses où toutes les liturgies de Pâques sont présidées par des laïcs. Les liturgies pascales laïques semblent être populaires, surtout dans l'archidiocèse du cardinal Marx à Munich.

Autriche : Le diocèse de Graz est le pionnier

Le pionnier autrichien des liturgies laïques est le diocèse de Graz. En janvier, il a publié un document de 41 pages pour les liturgies laïques de Noël, de Pâques et de la Fête-Dieu. Dans sa préface, l'évêque Krautwaschl de Graz écrit que ces fêtes devraient avoir une - citation - « expression liturgique » dans chaque paroisse, même si - citation : « la forme complète habituelle de célébration » n'est pas possible. Mgr Krautwaschl présente le document comme quelque chose qui devrait être - citation : « développé » par l'usage quotidien.

Laïcisez Noël, mais une messe pour le jour de la Saint-Étienne

Le document veut que les liturgies laïques de Noël, de Pâques et de la Fête-Dieu soient préparées par une « équipe » avec (je cite) « un responsable ». Une attention particulière est accordée à la musique et au (je cite) « sermon ». Chaque paroisse est encouragée à choisir les vêtements liturgiques pour les « animateurs » de la liturgie. Le document explique qu'au lieu de la Messe de minuit et de la Messe du jour de Noël, des liturgies laïques peuvent être organisées. Cependant, dans ce cas, le jour de la Saint-Étienne, lorsque peu de personnes viennent à l'église, une Eucharistie doit être prévue.

Triduum laïc, mais messe le lundi de Pâques

Selon le document, l'unité du Triduum de Pâques est visible à travers « le même chef » ou « une congrégation stable ». Il recommande du pain levé pour la liturgie laïque du Jeudi Saint afin de - je cite « être plus proche de la forme du pain ». Le diocèse de Graz recommande de célébrer au moins une messe de la Veillée pascale au lundi de Pâques. Le document souligne que la bénédiction de la nourriture de Pâques après la liturgie laïque est organisée par l'« équipe » de manière festive et de haute qualité - y compris les vêtements liturgiques, car (citation) : « La bénédiction de la nourriture de Pâques est pour beaucoup de gens la célébration de Pâques par excellence. »

Corpus Christi : Ministre laïc en aube, avec voile huméral et Ostensoir

Le document contient également une liturgie laïque du Corpus Christi avec une procession. Il recommande de faire venir une hostie consacrée pour l'ostensoir d'une paroisse voisine où une messe est célébrée à peu près au même moment. En ce qui concerne la procession, il est dit - citation : « Un ministre de la communion mandaté par l'évêque porte l'ostensoir et peut porter un vêtement liturgique (aube) et un voile huméral par-dessus ».

[Depuis Vatican II, tout ceci est normal : les prêtres font la foire et les laïcs deviennent prêtres ! C'est un renversement satanique, ni plus ni moins.]
This is incredible! This is simply protestantism.
All the past V2 ultras (Netherlands) and present (Germany, Belgium) have seen the near death of Catholicism. V2 needs to go.
All heresies including V2 will remain till the second coming of Christ. V2 Ultras, Anglicans, Jews, Muslims and every other religion that broke away from the Catholic Church / invented will remain till Christ comes.
I haven't broken away from the Church, Pattfm. It's the people who are denying the Pope who've broken away. Try harder for an argument, darling. You're way off your game today.
"It's the people who are denying the Pope who've broken away" -- Devil's mouthpiece @Ultraviolet
Francis is an Antichrist.
Our Lady of La Salette
Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.”
2 Thessalonians 2:4
Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God.
"It's the people who are denying the Pope who've broken away" -- Devil's mouthpiece @Ultraviolet
Francis is an Antichrist.
Our Lady of La Salette
Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.”
2 Thessalonians 2:4
Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God.
Galatians 1:8
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema.
If I am the Devil's mouthpiece Pattfm then you are the Devil's anus. While I may be motivated by pride, you produce only verbal dung: one accusation after another. All of them false.
Bold and red text doesn't make things true. You picked up that nasty habit from Thor.
Monkey-see, monkey-do. ;-)
"Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist."
That could just as easily refer to …More
If I am the Devil's mouthpiece Pattfm then you are the Devil's anus. While I may be motivated by pride, you produce only verbal dung: one accusation after another. All of them false.

Bold and red text doesn't make things true. You picked up that nasty habit from Thor.

Monkey-see, monkey-do. ;-)

"Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist."

That could just as easily refer to Vatican Council II which happened decades before Francis. According to Father Malachi Martin, the latter literally happened.

In terms of lasting, cumulative damage to The Catholic Church, Vatican Council II is without parallel. Pope Francis is, in fact, the end-result of it.

2 Thessalonians 2:4 is sufficiently vague it can be applied to many different situations, Galatians 1:8 doesn't apply at all. When Pope Francis presents a new account of Jesus' life, a gospel, then it may.

Until then, you're wrong as usual and you don't know what you're talking about as usual.

This subject doesn't really interest you and it shows.

That's why you're so easily beaten, Pattfm. What interests you is arguing, specifically arguing with me. By now you should recognize that will end badly for you as it always does.

It's a pity stupidity isn't painful, GTV would see much less of you.
All heresies including V2 will remain till the second coming of Christ. I am only gathering more treasures by showing it to the elect.
Francis is an Antichrist.
Our Lady of La Salette

Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.”
2 Thessalonians 2:4
Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, …More
All heresies including V2 will remain till the second coming of Christ. I am only gathering more treasures by showing it to the elect.
Francis is an Antichrist.
Our Lady of La Salette

Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.”
2 Thessalonians 2:4
Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God.
Galatians 1:8
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema.
The devil uses one who is possessed without the person's consent. Whether the devil manifests openly or remains very quiet in the possessed, it will claim its abode (the possessed) on the day of judgement.
You may be showing things to the elect, but your obvious enjoyment in starting arguments shows you, personally, are not among them.
Matthew 7:2
For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again.
Wolves devouring the sheep.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Thors Catholic Hammer
Welcome to the spanking new Church of Bergoglio where the 10 divine commandments of God have been reduced to 7 just by getting rid of the bothersome and tedious 1st ,6th, and &7th ones.
All are welcome and mercy abounds [unless of course you address Mr Bergoglio in a manner he dislikes. A bit like Jim Jones if you ask me}