‘Dark horse’ cardinals: their positions on life and family and faith issues - Part I | News

ROME, March 2, 2013 ( – On the evening of October 16, 1978, thousands of people filled …
Gesù è con noi
@RomanCandle you are free to believe the devil if you want but don't say we don't warn you.
Gesù è con noi
The apostate PROGAY Woelki argued that people who have been divorced and remarried should be allowed to receive Communion. On homosexuality, he said, “If I take seriously the Catechism, I cannot see homosexual relations only as a denial of natural law. I also understand that there are people who take long-term mutual responsibility, who promise fidelity and want to take care of each other. So I …More
The apostate PROGAY Woelki argued that people who have been divorced and remarried should be allowed to receive Communion. On homosexuality, he said, “If I take seriously the Catechism, I cannot see homosexual relations only as a denial of natural law. I also understand that there are people who take long-term mutual responsibility, who promise fidelity and want to take care of each other. So I urge finally that we find a way to allow people to live without going against the teachings of the Church.”
He told homosexualist activists in Germany that he was ready to “dialogue” with them. “When two gay people assume mutual responsibility,” he said, “if they have a true and long term relationship, we must consider this relationship in the same way as straight a link.”
In October 2012 Cardinal Woelki was nominated for a Respect Award by the Alliance Against Homophobia. He was praised by the group for speaking out in favor of a 'new cooperation with homosexuals in society' and officially meeting the Association for Gays and Lesbians for talks.
One more comment from Gesù è con noi
Gesù è con noi
Shame on you @RomanCandle for being a liar and deceiver