De Profundis
English group of hermits has "no option but to withdraw our obedience from Pope Francis"

Trumpet Call

With great grief we look upon the Church, the beloved spouse of Christ, the Great Ark upon the raging sea of the world, and to our horror all seems lost. The bride has become the harlot of …
We should all be praying that God intervenes very soon. The sooner , the better
If it's due to his
1 Blasphemy,
2 Admiring of heathens & abortionists,
3 Insults regarding the Immaculate Conception,
4 Refusal to rebuke known heretics & preachers of unsound Doctrine,
5 Negligence to defrock known LGBT activists & homosexual revisionists,
6 Countless other insults
7 Denying the First Commandment should be the basis on which we practice the second
8 Denial of the Holy Trinity,
If it's due to his

1 Blasphemy,
2 Admiring of heathens & abortionists,
3 Insults regarding the Immaculate Conception,
4 Refusal to rebuke known heretics & preachers of unsound Doctrine,
5 Negligence to defrock known LGBT activists & homosexual revisionists,
6 Countless other insults
7 Denying the First Commandment should be the basis on which we practice the second
8 Denial of the Holy Trinity,
9 Practicing until perfect the sin of Solomon (supporting false religions) which incurred the wrath of God
10 Permitting the most appalling blasphemies
11 Questioning and then DENYING Christ's Catholic Dogmas,
12 Failure to uphold The BINDING Canons of the Council of Trent but upholding a none binding Ecumenical Council's clear errors
13 Refusal to accept (like many others) that the Tridentine Breviary of Pope St Pius V is none revokable - and is decreed to be recited by all Latin Rite Catholic Priests until the End of Time (as the Bull "Quo Primum" stated)
14 Refusing to evangelise known sinners in order to save their souls. (Neglect)
15 His Pride - Daring to believe he has the right to NOT hold fast to the Traditions of the Church.
16 An abundance of Charity to public blasphemers & known Sinners YET absolutely NONE to God's Angels and Saints - ie those striving to remain faithful in the True Church that Jesus Christ founded 2000 years ago. Those who KNOW what the Church stands for and UPHOLD it.
17 His refusal to kneel down to Our Lord Jesus Christ's REAL PRESENCE - yet bowing and scraping to those whom he is willing to exalt in God's place
(unless of course he knows that his Masses are invalid - in which case it is less sinful to NOT kneel. To kneel before a Host that you know to be unconsecrated, would be the sin of "idolatry" and also the mortal sin known as "Bearing False Witness"

......and for his refusal to advertise that he had gained Scientific Proof that the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ was TRULY in the Most Holy Eucharist during his years in Argentina (He is mentioned by NAME in former atheist, Dr Ricardo Castanon PHD's scientific evaluation of a Eucharistic Miracle below)

If it is indeed for all these reasons - or others similar, then good for you Brothers!......! In fact, the sooner that this modern generation review the doctrines of our Faith & compare them with those foisted on us by the invalid Pontificate of this"new boy," the greater chance our souls are likely to have of gaining Christ's Heaven.

Best we repent of our pride and lack of preparedness NOW. Realising that we are diminishing God to match this charlatans agenda every time we call him "Pope"
Than repent LATER on! (somewhere hot) for being too lapse in our OWN fidelity to Christ to have picked Francis up on so many un-Christian errors sooner.
Listen, everyone! Sinful Wretch that Pope Borgia may or may not have been - It is universally known that there was never a time that he attempted to use his position to validate his own sinful lifestyle, or to adapt Church Teachings to make a New Church created in his own image and likeness. Borgia handed on the Faith unchanged. That is known. Sinner as he was, His respect for the Holy Church of Christ & his fear of altering one "jot" of Her Doctrines Has never called into questioned!
God Bless you brothers! Keep faithful to the TRUE Church- not the false one that blessed Anne Emmerich warned was going to seek to supplant Her during these end times.

Dr Castanon PHD-Faith&Science
All of these are sound Doctrine.. 😌

The Kiss of Judas Iscariot and the betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church.

Vatican II & Novus Ordo Prefigured in the Old Testament

The World is about to End.
The Footprints of God: Mary The Mother of God-----------uploaded by irapuato
The Footprints of God: Peter Keeper of the Keys