Commuion on the Tongue Cannot Transmit the Coronavirus. Commuion on the Tongue Cannot Transmit the Coronavirus Communion on the tongue is no health risk, writes Dr Fabio Sansonna who works in an Italian …More
Commuion on the Tongue Cannot Transmit the Coronavirus.

Commuion on the Tongue Cannot Transmit the Coronavirus

Communion on the tongue is no health risk, writes Dr Fabio Sansonna who works in an Italian COVID hospital. After discussing the subject with colleagues and studying the scientific literature, his group concluded, that Communion on the tongue cannot transmit the coronavirus, because the virus must be airborn in order to be able to infect. Sansonna points out, that transmission by contact has not been demonstrated so far.

Saliva Is Good Against the Coronavirus

Liquid saliva, even if it contains the virus, cannot infect, because the coronavirus needs to get in direct contact – through the air - with the mucous membranes of the nose, the pharynx, the larynx, the bronchi and the bronchioles. Unlike other viruses, it doesn’t pass through the lymphatic and the blood vessels, Sansonna explains. Further, saliva contains lysozyme, a natural disinfectant acting against viruses and is now used as a drug against Coronavirus. Sneezing and coffing are dangerous because it sprays the airborn virus up to 6 meters away. Hands and fingers may be deposits of viruses, but they can hardly be the cause of direct infection.

Nice Credentials for a Novitiate

Washington's Democratic lieutenant governor, Cyrus Habib, announced in March that he will become a Jesuit. He explained his decision with wanting to serve the marginalised, empower the vulnerable and heal those who suffer from spiritual wounds. He did not say that during his political career he supported free abortion, sterilisation, contraception, and homosex pseudo-marriage. His 2014 and 2016 nominations were supported by Planned Parenthood and NARAL, the largest American abortion lobby. There is no evidence that Habib ever repented of his political crimes.

President of Theological Seminary Gone Nuts

Serene Jones, the president of the non-denominational Union Theological Seminary in New York, told Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times for Easter that she disbelieves in the Resurrection of Christ. Also, the – quote – “pervasive idea of an abusive God-father who sends his own kid to the cross so God could forgive people is nuts” for her. Jones also disbelieves that God hears our intentions. Quote, “We can't manipulate God like that." Obviously, Jones rejects the Virgin Birth. She is an agnostic regarding life after death. The famous biblical scholar Father Raymond E. Brown, who was highly praised by Cardinal Ratzinger, was the first Catholic to gain tenure at the Union Theological Seminary.
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Communion on the tongue is no health risk, writes Dr Fabio Sansonna
Holy Cannoli
Saliva Is Good Against the Coronavirus
Liquid saliva, even if it contains the virus, cannot infect…
This is great news. I can go back to the airport and again start kissing Chinese ladies. 😍More
Saliva Is Good Against the Coronavirus
Liquid saliva, even if it contains the virus, cannot infect…

This is great news. I can go back to the airport and again start kissing Chinese ladies. 😍
UnHoly Cannoli You may soon qualify to be a holy pimp.
Holy Cannoli
That would be a lot better than being a simple minded pollock who is so frustrated with his own sexuality that he's constantly looking for a fight. Go away, chump. 🤪
UnHoly Cannoli only boys dressed by their mommies in skirts do not like fights. And men infected with neo-marxist pacifism. How many girls will you dream tonight loser?
Holy Cannoli
You are very likely the dumbest, most naive, totally in denial loon that has ever posted on Gloria.tv. 🥴
unHoly Cannoli go back to organizing your chinese harem. This is not a forum for pimps and boys who mistake girls for commoditties.
Guido Fawkes I did not say you are identical to our chinese chick lover unHoly Cannoli. 😉
Holy Cannoli
Guido Fawkes
He's been missing lately. My theory...More
Guido Fawkes

He's been missing lately. My theory...