
Pope Francis: Resistance only by “Small Groups”, a few Sedevacantists

yeah, he looks pretty corpulent in that photograph wow he's huge

Bishops vs. God's Seers in 2024 & What WW3's Cause Will REALLY Be—Regis, CoRedemptrix, Piccarreta,++

I wouldn't use my time to view this video. Mr. O'Connor seems to have a flawed discernment process.

Father Elias Leyds Has Suddenly Passed Away (1958-2024)

What a wonderful voice, that is gone too soon. Rest in peace. 😭


Trump called himself the father of the vax. Trump was a pedophile Trump is one year younger than his recently deceased mother-in-law and two years younger than his father-in-law 🤮

Trump imitating Biden holding a “press conference” is hilarious “And then he walks into a wall”

Trump, father of the vax, Trump listed on the Epstein documents. Why should he be president?

Again Audiences Cancelled - CT Scan At Hospital

His hand has an active area for intravenous medicine administration.

Again Audiences Cancelled - CT Scan At Hospital

Also his blessing hand had a bandage on it from maybe a previously administered IV puncture?

Again Audiences Cancelled - CT Scan At Hospital

I just watched his Angelus appearance from today. He is not looking well. Shallow breathing and seems like a swollen bloated face. May God be merciful to him at his judgement.

Francis Angry, "The Young Priests Buy Cassocks"

The synod discussions must not be to his liking. Why else would he rant during an interview? Thanks be to God if the synod participants are not moving in the direction 'pope' francis wants to take the Church.

Invalid Ordinations: Normal Woman Receives Loud Applause at Ex-Synod

the dark side's hope is for a Synod of Sodomnormality

Our ancestors

thanks for posting this

WYD: Food Delivery Boxes As Novus Ordo "Tabernacle"

very sad that this was handled in such an awful way

St Peter's: Penitential Liturgy after Desecration

What came to my mind after this horrendous act of the naked trespasser were the prophecies of Anne Catherine Emmerich about the Church being reduced, I saw it increase in size; heretics of every kind came into the city of Rome. The local clergy grew lukewarm, and I saw a great darkness…

Pontifical Marian Academy: President Suggests that Gospels, Fatima Are "False"

For those who would like to read a translated article of the one referenced in this blog post, I submit the following google translation
How was the observatory on apparitions and mystical phenomena linked to the figure of the Virgin born?
It arises to give an answer to all the problems, to the confusion that certain false apparitions have created. In the 19th century, under the influence of …More
For those who would like to read a translated article of the one referenced in this blog post, I submit the following google translation

How was the observatory on apparitions and mystical phenomena linked to the figure of the Virgin born?
It arises to give an answer to all the problems, to the confusion that certain false apparitions have created. In the 19th century, under the influence of positivism, the Church almost denied the supernatural; she didn't care. But the problem is that if you ignore it, cults can be born, as has already happened. Latin America is a rampant example of the proliferation of santeros, healers, gurus... people who want to take advantage of the credulity of the people and their pain. Then there is the danger of infiltration by the mafias, who know that the sanctuaries are a source of money. For this reason, it is the bishops themselves who have explicitly asked us for a sound and solid Mariology.

What will your role be?
We are not here to take the place of the bishops; We only offer training. We try to help them, because they often face situations of this type and do not know what to do, they are not prepared. Either they deny the phenomenon or they ventilate it in a positive way too quickly; other times they are very condescending. For this reason, when a bishop does not know what to do or wants to create a study commission, he calls us. It must be clear that the Pontifical International Marian Academy(PAMI) is a body that reports directly to the Roman Curia. We are the only ones competent in the subject of the figure of Mary in the whole world. Our scholars are accredited by the Holy See. In other words, we are recognized as experts in this discipline and, therefore, with the right to intervene. When we get down to work, we do so with a certificate from the Holy See that accredits us as trustworthy people, without external interests. But it is the bishops who make the final judgment and have the last word.

What happens if it starts to be a phenomenon that crosses borders and is not limited to local reality?
If the phenomenon expands and becomes worldwide, as in Medjugorje, for example, then the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith intervenes. It also intervenes when there is a doctrinal or theological problem.

What type? Can you give an example?
We have a clear example in the studies on mother Ágreda. She was condemned by the Inquisition because she said that Mary is the mother of the Church. It was taken as a theological error, but it was not.

Do you have an assigned budget?
No, we do not receive any remuneration for doing this. We work for free. This reinforces our independence. We have no interest other than the good of the Church.

But this can also limit the work...
Our work is more of coordination. At the moment we cannot do bilocations [laughs]. But now with the internet it's easier. Our idea is to create a network of specialists based in all parts of the world, so that all dioceses have a specific place where they can find experts, who will be in charge of dealing with these phenomena if they arise. For this we will have the different national Mariological Societies. We will also offer online courses .

They analyze stigmata and lacrimation
The Vatican presented on April 13 the International Observatory on apparitions and mystical phenomena linked to the Virgin Mary, which is part of the Pontifical Marian Academy. The objective is to create a network of experts to study cases of Marian apparitions, lacrimations, interior locutions, stigmata and other mystical phenomena whose authenticity has not been approved by the Church.

How does the study commission work?
The apparitions are examined with a magnifying glass in an interdisciplinary way from a scientific perspective. The commission is made up of doctors, lawyers, psychologists... It is necessary to analyse, for example, the morality of the visionaries, their physical and mental state or if there are conditioning factors or external interests. Voting then proceeds. Each member of the commission issues a written judgment, gives his vote, his positive or negative opinion. This material is given to the bishop for him to decide.

What elements can make you suspect that it is something false?
The Holy See issued clear rules on this in 1978. Therefore, there is a protocol in place. But there are warning signs. Does a mother want to punish her children by sending them illnesses, death...? No way. So the apparitions that speak of God's punishments are absolutely false.

What is the role of the Pope in all this?
It must be made clear that the apparitions are private revelations. They do not add or subtract from public revelations, so the approval of the Pope is not necessary. There never will be, there never has been. If the Pontiff goes to a place where apparitions have already been approved, it is always with a pastoral meaning. In addition, it must be clear that in the field of Canon Law there is no word apparition. For the Church there are apparitions or mystical phenomena, but in legal discourse we speak of a place of pilgrimage. They are two different things. For example, in the case of Medjugorje, the apparition may not be approved, but the place of pilgrimage is.

Was it easier now to undertake an investigation of this type?
In the past it was more difficult to find documents, but today it is more difficult to keep at bay all the influences that can distort the messages. The time has changed. We have more resources and more experts. For example, tears of blood are analyzed with DNA tests and thus can be compared with other apparitions.

Francis: “Too Many Discreet Transfers”

I translated the article and present a few excerpts: The rush is noticeable, the Vatican is a sea of rumours, to say the least, here everything is visible and there are taboo subjects that are only discussed with gestures and very sotto voce. We may be much closer to the end of Pope Francis' pontificate than we think. Too many discreet transfers to the Gemelli that protect themselves so as not to …More
I translated the article and present a few excerpts: The rush is noticeable, the Vatican is a sea of rumours, to say the least, here everything is visible and there are taboo subjects that are only discussed with gestures and very sotto voce. We may be much closer to the end of Pope Francis' pontificate than we think. Too many discreet transfers to the Gemelli that protect themselves so as not to be seen leaving the Santa Marta garage directly to avoid prying eyes. In the tradition of the sacred palaces, the pope is in good health for up to three days after his death, and that's where we are. Age and what we see indicate that we are at the end of a very turbulent period, with a final outcome that is drawing near.

There are many, it is useless to hide it, who pray for this nightmare to end. In the curia, chaos reigns, everything is paralyzed, and action is only taken by direct order, and at this point, in writing, from Pope Francis. It is not that we want the death of anyone, God help us, but it is clear that we can be close and many see it as something necessary to turn the page. The springs are only in the imagination of a tiny group that has made Pope Francis something that goes beyond his person, making him embody all his aspirations. Human beings are mortal, all of us, it is a fact that we cannot ignore, especially when it affects government affairs. Until Benedict XVI, the pontificates have ended with the death of the reigning pope, it is not a fact that we cannot talk about, we must, and we can be close.

The fatigue is noticeable, this does not give for more, it endures, it resists, but we have entered a phase that neither 'go forward', nor 'patrás'. Everything is paralyzed, except for some who are trying to take advantage of things to go about their business. They know that it is now or never, but Pope Francis does not seem very willing to make "revolutionary" decisions. His recent position on celibacy, it is possible to change it, but that the next one does it, can very well define the situation.

and the last paragraph: The true treasure of these times are the diocesan priests scattered throughout the church, apparently few, together not so much. We were able to see them at the funeral of Pope Benedict XVI, we meet them daily in our parishes, they are the ones who try to maintain, with the support of their faithful and the baleful gaze of their bishops, what remains of Christianity, with hits and misses

Francis: Jubilee Behind Closed Doors

The cartoonist is very talented to show the facial expressions change so radically. My compliments to the cartoonist's skill.

Francis, “I Am sick”

I wouldn't go as far as Son of the Church in my comment, but I do feel that readers are more than familiar with your sentiments about Pope Francis, and so to comment on his every appearance may be harming your soul rather than edifying the Church. It is trying for us to wait out what this very painful time in the Church's history, but we must patiently and charitably do our best.

Viganò Against Trump

It's about time that he came out against Trump.