
Prayer Meeting at Borg in Nadur 03/08/13 pt1

Prayer Meeting is at Girgenti and not Borg in Nadur

Prayer Meeting at Borg in Nadur 03/08/13 pt1

Date is 04/08/13

New Paradise: You will be made of a pure body, incorruptible, free from disease, physical death and …

The messages I upload on Gloria TV come either from by Maria Divine Mercy
of Ireland or
From Angelik Caruana Borg in Nadur Birzebbugia Malta where I live.
I am only spreading the Messages which I believe in. The one above is from Warning Second Coming .com.
I hope this clarifies everything.

The messages I upload on Gloria TV come either from by Maria Divine Mercy
of Ireland or

From Angelik Caruana Borg in Nadur Birzebbugia Malta where I live.

I am only spreading the Messages which I believe in. The one above is from Warning Second Coming .com.

I hope this clarifies everything.

End of Apparition & Very Important Message of Our Lady 18/05/11 on The Sacrament of Marriage

(P330) Message of 18th May 2011, given at Borg in-Nadur
My dear children and my children – the ones of my heart! This is for Fr Hayden and Fr David to pass on to the people.
A dialogue between the Lady and Jonathan Cassar Torreggiani by means of Angelik ensued.
The Lady
: Jonathan, if you happen to put it into your head to import a new item, what would you do then?
Jonathan: I would first check …More
(P330) Message of 18th May 2011, given at Borg in-Nadur

My dear children and my children – the ones of my heart! This is for Fr Hayden and Fr David to pass on to the people.

A dialogue between the Lady and Jonathan Cassar Torreggiani by means of Angelik ensued.

The Lady
: Jonathan, if you happen to put it into your head to import a new item, what would you do then?

Jonathan: I would first check whether there is a demand for the item on the local market and then I would search for what I have in mind.

The Lady: What would you do in case your brother or associates happen to disagree with you, and yet you remain adamant, being convinced that there is a demand for the product on the local market?

Jonathan: I would attempt to expose all the reasons in favour of the product.

The Lady: And naturally, you would try to convince them, would you not?

Jonathan: Yes, I would persist in trying to get them to see my point.

The Lady: Besides your arguments, would it not help to have it advertised on the media so as to have good sales?

Jonathan: It is important that people get to know about the item, otherwise I would have brought it in vain – were no one to know about it.

The Lady: Jonathan you have answered well. Well done!

My children and my own little ones! Are you still not seeing it? Are you not realizing, observing and experiencing? Indeed, my children, at present what is taking place in your country is similar to a sale by auction of something.

My Son Jesus sent me years before, for me to foretell these happenings in your country. And by way of making it clear to all: it is not only these last few months that I have been delivering these messages to Angelik. I have been telling you about them for years. There might be those who paid attention to me, while in the case of others, nothing happened.

Such is today’s situation, my children: marriage is not simply a contract. Marriage is a sacrament. Indeed, I repeat it: marriage is not just a contract, but also a sacrament. You may not play around with marriage. It is not a game, nor a joke. You may not stretch it at will: lengthening or shortening it. Remember that it is a sacrament.

Maybe the ones who are bringing this about are at present enjoying the applause – because within the population a number are found who are in accord with them. No, my children, do not rejoice in this. Rejoice when they give you a clap after having faced problems or difficulties or doubts within your marriage and emerge from them of one accord through prayer and physical intimacy. It is then that you ought to rejoice, since you would be the ones to have emerged victorious.

My children, I am pleading with you tonight: do not cast away the beautiful things you hold within your country. Take care of your belongings – or rather, make them even better. Be exemplary for other countries. Be exemplary for Europe, my children. Do not be weak. Do not be cowardly. Be yourselves the ones to take the first step. Be exemplary for Europe.

Thank you for having listened to my call.

End of Apparition , Message of Our Lady 18/04/11 & Comments by Fr Hayden

(P325) Message of 18th April 2011, given at Borg in-Nadur
A Way of the Cross was held at Borg in-Nadur today. The hill was lit up by torches. After the Way of the Cross, the Lady gave a message.
My dear children and my children – the ones of my heart! This is for Fr Hayden and Fr David to pass on to the people. Thank you for this evening’s occasion: for having leafed through the Bible along with …More
(P325) Message of 18th April 2011, given at Borg in-Nadur

A Way of the Cross was held at Borg in-Nadur today. The hill was lit up by torches. After the Way of the Cross, the Lady gave a message.

My dear children and my children – the ones of my heart! This is for Fr Hayden and Fr David to pass on to the people. Thank you for this evening’s occasion: for having leafed through the Bible along with the assembly that gathered here. Yes, my children, I want you to be as these torches that Tony Minuti set up here tonight: giving light to those who are outside.

Convey the messages in a simple fashion, similar to the Way of the Cross you just had. Indeed my children, be simple with your other brethren. Be changed! Indeed, my children, be changed so that others will be changed through you.

You are still in time to be resurrected along with my Son Jesus.

My children, come together as one voice, come together as one voice within the simple prayer of the rosary – that will reunite you. Indeed, my children, the rosary has power, tremendous power. Many leaders of nations manifest power by means of arms – nuclear arms that are able soon to destroy the world. This is why I am telling you to recite the rosary, so as to distance yourselves from such things.

As to those within whom this Lent has brought no change – there is still time, my children! My Son Jesus is still holding out his arms to you. He is purposely sending me, for you and for you and for you. Come to him, my children. Come to him and give him centre-place in your life. No longer place anything else as god of your life: neither money, nor drugs, nor sex, nor pornography, nor adultery and not even gambling. Let him be your perfume, so that he may raise you up and lift you out of the slime that you might still be in.

I promise that I will remain with you, my children and my own little children.

Thank you for having listened to my call.

Testimonials , Message of Our Lady and Comments by Fr Hayden Pt6

(P324) Message of 13th April 2011, given at Borg in-Nadur
The Lady came with her hands full of gems and told the people not to let this shower of graces fall to the ground and be lost, but to receive all these graces from her hands to theirs.
The Lady wept during the second decade of the rosary.
The Lady asked Michael Attard to come up to where Angelik was standing and then asked Angelik to bind …
(P324) Message of 13th April 2011, given at Borg in-Nadur

The Lady came with her hands full of gems and told the people not to let this shower of graces fall to the ground and be lost, but to receive all these graces from her hands to theirs.

The Lady wept during the second decade of the rosary.

The Lady asked Michael Attard to come up to where Angelik was standing and then asked Angelik to bind Michael with two broad bandages. Angelik wrapped them round Michael’s arms and legs.

A conversation ensued between the Lady and Godwin Borg by means of Angelik.

The Lady:
Godwin, what comes to your mind on seeing a person in bandages?

Godwin: Lady, I would think he is hurt.

The Lady: Were that person to have a wound, would the person wish to keep the wound covered and bandaged for a long time?

Godwin: No, Lady. The person would wish it to heal quickly.

The Lady: Godwin, would you not agree that if the wound were to be exposed to the air it would heal quicker?

Godwin: I would think so, Lady. Usually it would dry up quicker.

The Lady: Godwin, you could say that Michael, who stands behind you, is bandaged or bound. Is it not so?

Godwin: Yes.

The Lady: Godwin, would you not say that they are a hindrance for Michael? He is prevented from walking. What is your opinion?

Godwin: Indeed, Lady, but he must endure the consequences until he is healed.

The Lady: Thank you Godwin. You answered well. Now slowly loosen Michael’s bonds in the sight of the people and thank Michael.

My dear children and my children – the ones of my heart! You all have had a wound and might have one on your bodies even now. You are keeping it bandaged so as to cover it that it might heal or maybe so as to hide it from people’s eyes. Yet today, my children, I am asking you to expose and air each and every bandaged wound that you might have on your body. Do not keep it from healing because of the bandages. It also might be a hindrance to you. Air it.

My children, I am coming here so as to nurse your wounds and to remove the bandages and every hindrance that you have around you. Michael had obstructions on his arms and legs and this is why he could not walk. Once Godwin had removed them, he walked down the hill from up here. Do you recall, my children, this is just as my Son Jesus did with Lazarus when raising him from the dead. He was dead. He was already emitting foul odours inside the grave. This is how some of you are: a grave on the inside. On raising Lazarus, my Son Jesus ordered that he be loosened from his bonds. Do you imagine that my Son was not able to set him loose himself? Yet he wanted the people to help him get loose – just as I want of you, my children. I am loosening your bandages and curing your wounds myself. I am then sending you to others that you may loosen their bandages. And you will loosen them for such as these by means of the prayer of the rosary.

Indeed, my children, rise from the death you are in. Go to the others and make them long for my Son Jesus and for me.

Thank you for having listened to my call.

Die Heilige Messe vom Donnerstag der Osterwoche

Very beautiful
GOD bless
Very beautiful

GOD bless


Message of Our Lady 13/01/10 at Borg in Nadur Malta

della Madonna del 13 Gennaio 2010, data a Borg in-Nadur Malta .
Miei cari figli e miei figli - quelli del mio cuore! Dite a Padre
Hayden e Padre David ciò che sto per dirvi per passarlo alla gente.
Da quanto tempo sto bussando alla porta? Da quanto tempo mio Figlio Gesù mi manda per voi? Ci sono coloro che ascoltano il bussare alla porta e aprono. Ci sono altri che fanno finta di non …
della Madonna del 13 Gennaio 2010, data a Borg in-Nadur Malta .

Miei cari figli e miei figli - quelli del mio cuore! Dite a Padre
Hayden e Padre David ciò che sto per dirvi per passarlo alla gente.

Da quanto tempo sto bussando alla porta? Da quanto tempo mio Figlio Gesù mi manda per voi? Ci sono coloro che ascoltano il bussare alla porta e aprono. Ci sono altri che fanno finta di non sentire il ticchettio alla porta. E altri ancora non sono interessati. Altri non la stanno

Miei figli, quelli di voi che la state ascoltando : aprite la porta!

Coloro che forse la sentono poco: chiedete a quelli intorno se c'era qualche tichettio o bussatura alla porta. Coloro che sono in dubbio: stanno in silenzio, in modo da cercare di ascoltarla e di essere certi che
bussano alla porta.

Guai a colui che ascolta il tichettio e finge di non sentire nulla e cerca di convincere quelli intorno che nessuno ha bussato alla porta. Quello è piu colpevole, miei

Mio Figlio Gesù stava bussando da quasi quattro anni all vostro cuore e al cuore del mondo, e state facendo
lo stesso come vi ho detto.

Non lasciate che questa chiamata che mio Figlio Gesù sta facendo per voi passa come niente fosse. Rispondete all ticchettio. Se non siate certi , chiedete e altri vi
aiuterànno, ma non dite: "Io non ho sentito niente! "

E 'per questo motivo che mio Figlio Gesù mi manda. Avete questo segnale chiaro a portata di mano. Avete una persona dal vostro paese, che viene utilizzata da mio Figlio Gesù per la vostra conversione, così come per
la sua.

Miei figli, poco fa pioveva. Ora, proprio ora, si è fermata. Sicuramente le stelle sono usciti pure. La conversione non dovrebbe essere come questo: spostando così rapidamente. Siate fermi! Sentendo la chiamata, rispondete ad essa. Non calciatela

Se non riuscite
a capire, chiedete a quelli intorno.

Io continuero
a venire su questa collina di Borg in-Nadur per la vostra conversione e la conversione di tutto il mondo.

Grazie per aver ascoltato la mia chiamata.

Message of Our Lady 26/12/09 at Borg in Nadur Malta

Peace with you also Revthreevs21. Forgive me for deleting your comments. It will not be repeated.
God Bless You
Peace with you also Revthreevs21. Forgive me for deleting your comments. It will not be repeated.

God Bless You

Message of Our Lady 26/12/09 at Borg in Nadur Malta

Peace will you all

Message of Our Lady 26/12/09 at Borg in Nadur Malta

I agree

Message of Our Lady 26/12/09 at Borg in Nadur Malta

I am also nothing as you.

Message of Our Lady 26/12/09 at Borg in Nadur Malta

You cannot judge these apparitions as falsehoods. This judgement belongs only to the competent authorities of the Church to whom Theotokos submit themselves fully. You do not have the right to judge these apparitions as falsehoods because you are nothing.
Compare the messages of our Lady at Borg in Nadur with those of Lourdes and Fatima if you want. I challenge you.More

You cannot judge these apparitions as falsehoods. This judgement belongs only to the competent authorities of the Church to whom Theotokos submit themselves fully. You do not have the right to judge these apparitions as falsehoods because you are nothing.

Compare the messages of our Lady at Borg in Nadur with those of Lourdes and Fatima if you want. I challenge you.