Paul Kiernan
Paul Kiernan

Müller: Many Bishops Became Heretical

My question is why cardinals are not uniting urgently to say it and so protect the church. Is the infiltration so complete? Perhaps like Archbishop By Vigano speaking the truth means going into hiding. There must be such danger from somewhere if a bishop or cardinal speaks the truth about PF.
Paul Kiernan

Müller: Many Bishops Became Heretical

Does Cardinal Müller then imply that the Orthodox synodal system is like Nazzi system?
Why does it work for them?
Paul Kiernan

Italy: Francis' “Our Father” Will Be Introduced

Does the pope have the authority to change the Bible or has the Bible been incorrect all along?
Paul Kiernan

Catholic Pro-Gay Cardinal: “I Fully Respect Atheism”

Although Jesus choose Peter a married man as appostle too and first pope
Paul Kiernan

German Bishops: Adultery "No Sin"; Homosexuality "Normal", "Unchangeable"

Paul 6th already did it?
Paul Kiernan

Bishop Schneider: Francis Not Only Promotes, But Rewards Betrayers Of Christ

What do u make of this from the Byzantine Catholic Patiarchate?
Did bishop Schneider realy say this about a heretical pope and Pope Francis?
Look what was shared:
Paul Kiernan

Bishop Schneider: Francis Not Only Promotes, But Rewards Betrayers Of Christ

How did College of Cardinals get so misinformed about Bergoglio to elect him in a Conclave? Why so few cardinals or bishops uniting to take action to address and redress what is happening?
Paul Kiernan

Burke And Schneider Launch Crusade: The Six Amazon Errors

No ministries at all for women?