Cardinal Confirms, Celibacy Ceases. Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes, Archbishop of Mexico City, confirms that, if passed by 2/3rds of the AmazonSynod voters this Saturday, the concluding document will …More
Cardinal Confirms, Celibacy Ceases.

Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes, Archbishop of Mexico City, confirms that, if passed by 2/3rds of the AmazonSynod voters this Saturday, the concluding document will ask Pope Francis to explore the ordination of married men in the Amazon region.
Jesus Javier
Miserable traidor.
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Claudius Cartapus
Claudius Cartapus
2/3rds of the AmazonSynod voters this Saturday - Means 66,6%
Hell continues to fill up....hope the new heretics wing of hell is ready to receive the aging hippies
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Each one of these numbskulls talks about this grave evil about to be committed against the priesthood with a smirk on their face. Just like that other numbskull bishop, Turkson. They are evil wicked men.