Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Colette. Dissenting Theologians Rebel Germany 143 dissenting University theologians in Germany have called on the Catholic Church to abandon priestly celibacy, to …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Colette.

Dissenting Theologians Rebel


143 dissenting University theologians in Germany have called on the Catholic Church to abandon priestly celibacy, to ordain a female clergy and to accept practicing homosexuals and adulterers, despite the teaching of the Gospel and the Catholic Tradition. Germany's Bishops Conference on Friday welcomed the appeal. It was preceded by a anti-celibacy-petition of German politicians belonging to the Christian-democrat Union.

Dissident Priests Fight More Precise Translation


The dissident “Association of Catholic Priests” has asked the Irish bishops to delay implementation of the new Roman Missal. The Missal is scheduled to go into use in November, on the 1st Sunday of Advent. The Association was formed last year to work for changes in Church teaching and discipline. It claimed that the new and more precise translation of the Mass is “archaic, elitist, and obscure.” The group alleged that the language of the new translation “demonstrates a lack of awareness of the insights gained from linguistics and anthropology during the past 100 years.”

New Vatican Guidelines


The Pontifical Council for Health Care is preparing a new version of its “Charter for Health Care Workers”. The new guidelines offer guidance on issues like stem-cell research and reproductive technology. They are need to help health-care workers in a confrontation with a “culture of death,” said Bishop José Redrado, the secretary of the Pontifical Council. Redrado said that the new document would help to explain “where the frontiers are — where there is a risk of crossing the line.”

New Belgian Home for the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest


On Friday Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard of Bruxelles assigned the curacy of the église conventuelle Sainte Anne in Watermael-Boitsfort to the Rev. Canon William Hudson, a Priest of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. Canon Hudson already celebrated the Mass in that church on an irregular basis. Sainte Anne will be the new Belgian home of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.
@holyrope3,Gregory: in 2003 I accidently heard the end of "Wiadomosci Polonia" about German Bishops rebelling against JPII newest encyclica:" Ecclesia die Eucharistia.I was so mortified,I wanted to write to all the German Bishops,but I had no idea to whom should I address it.I remembered pondering as a child on the meaning of N. that I noticed in prayer book,so I took paper and started to write: "…More
@holyrope3,Gregory: in 2003 I accidently heard the end of "Wiadomosci Polonia" about German Bishops rebelling against JPII newest encyclica:" Ecclesia die Eucharistia.I was so mortified,I wanted to write to all the German Bishops,but I had no idea to whom should I address it.I remembered pondering as a child on the meaning of N. that I noticed in prayer book,so I took paper and started to write: " Dear Arzbishop N.,Liebe Deutsche Brudern and Schwestern im Christ.Verzihen Sie mir,dass ich Ihnen nicht under Ihre Name angerufen hat,aber Sie wissen die Name bei dem das Herr Gott Euch angerufen hat zu seinem service.Es war nur mit sehr schwerigem heart dass ich today an dem Polnischen News gehort hat,dass Deutsche Bishopfen( einige) in wirklichen rebellion gegen Die Heilige Vater John Paul II ( gegen seinem encyclica" Ecclesia die Eucharistia " sind und haben die encyclica mit einer wirklichen revolt beim celebrating secret falsen Heiligen Massen( dass es bei dem Cannon ausdrucklich verboten war dazu) beantworted Ich mochte so gern Ihnen my letter from July 1,2001 written as the Holy Spirit's answer to US Bishops zu schickenDie Heilige Geist gehst where Er wills.Dass Deutschland eine alte Christianische Staat is mit einer ein thousand jahrigen Christianische Glaube,dachte Ich schon dass Eure proud bishops braychen sich nach dem Living Word of God zu errinern." As I was pondering to whom shall I send it,writing as if I would be on fire,the Holy Spirit resounding greviously in high German in my soul with such a solemn,disenhearted,grevious Voice,I thought I will not live through It.I wrote without stopping to think about grammar and since thirty years had passed since I had lived in Germany and spoken German,not to loose a word,whenever I was not sure how to write it properly in Deutsch,I substituted exact English,The only German Bishop known to me was Card Ratzinger,the Prefect of the Office of Doctrine and Faith and it was than that I realized he was the only one I could trust and the only one capable of take over the Chair of Peter after JPII AND KEEP THE fAITH,so faced with the bishops scandals and rebellion,I was pleading with Christ on his behalf.As for Padre Pio,he is my personal saint,given me by no other than the Holy Father John Paul II ,Who beatified him on my gdaughter's Monika M. birthday and canonized him June 16 on my names day - in my first letter to the Holy Father I confided in him,that ever since I was 3 years old I suffered over the fact that I had such an unpopular name and no patron saint( to comfort myself,I deducted that nobody is born a saint and we all are called to sainthood-just so you will know,how much John Paul II cared !) ✍️
holyrope 3
Would of loved to have had St. Padre Pio alone in a room with these dissident liberal clergmen. What a time to be a fly on the wall. If he couldn't wake them up, than surely there'd probably be no help for them, other than God's grace for their conversion. A conversion for bishops.... Mama mia!
Holy Cannoli
More than ever before, what is missing today is discipline within the Catholic Church and the order which results. If nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals believe they can literally say or do anything they please without reprisals, what's to prevent them from doing so? Is it their “good-will” which will prevent them from open dissent? Is it “good will” that is driving these German theologians or …More
More than ever before, what is missing today is discipline within the Catholic Church and the order which results. If nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals believe they can literally say or do anything they please without reprisals, what's to prevent them from doing so? Is it their “good-will” which will prevent them from open dissent? Is it “good will” that is driving these German theologians or Irish priests.

I have an answer.

What is needed today is a post VC-II kinder, gentler, Inquisition with a different set of rules. The hierarchy of the Church would not be involved at all other than to give the order that a certain party/parties needed to be “talked to” (read: muscled) and, for their own good, these individuals needed to shape up.

Who would be willing to do this kind of work? I thought of the Italian mafia but they are too close to Rome. You would need people who are specially trained in covert operations which may included targeted “disappearances” and paramilitary activities. Who would be willing to function in such a way? The Jewish Mossad, of course. They don't like Christians/Catholics anyway so, with the proper inducement ($$$), they could very easily clean house and no Catholics would get their hands dirty in the process.

First I'd send them to Germany, then Ireland then the States The details would need to be worked out and not all of the dissenters would be targets. After a few mysterious “disappearances” the others would very likely quickly get the message.



Buon Giorno, Doina.
