REMNANT TV in ROME: Michael J. Matt Reports. Reporting from the Vatican, Michael Matt kicks off Remnant TV's coverage of the "Protection of Minors" Summit Meeting between Francis and over 100 prominent …More
REMNANT TV in ROME: Michael J. Matt Reports.

Reporting from the Vatican, Michael Matt kicks off Remnant TV's coverage of the "Protection of Minors" Summit Meeting between Francis and over 100 prominent bishops of the Catholic Church, Orthodox leaders and representatives of women's groups. Will Archbishop Vigano's allegations come up at all? Or will the Vatican once again say a lot of nice words and do nothing in the face of the most serious crisis in the Church since the Protestant Revolt? Plus, what are the traditionalists going to be doing in Rome this week? Please subscribe to our YouTube channel. Please visit our website for up-to-the-minute coverage of events in Rome this week: remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php