God Gives Us Many Possibilities to Love Him or Not to Love Him. You have to decide. Don Reto Nay 30th of March 2011 Eighths Homily Wroclaw, PolandMore
God Gives Us Many Possibilities to Love Him or Not to Love Him. You have to decide.

Don Reto Nay
30th of March 2011
Eighths Homily
Wroclaw, Poland
jak sie nazywa ta tlumaczka, chetnie bym ją poznal. Pisać na stachu_mistrzu@op.pl tys za maly do niej oj za maly
no coz ale ten ksiadz bardzo dobrze mowi tak sie odbywa w kosciele mozna powiedziec ze z kosciola juz jest zrobiony cyrk
jak sie nazywa ta tlumaczka, chetnie bym ją poznal. Pisać na stachu_mistrzu@op.pl
👍 Thank you, Don Reto...maybe I can be an interpreter for you, one day, English to Spanish... 😇
Fuss schon bi sche ins savess capir!
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Fuss schon bi sche ins savess capir!

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Don Reto - Wawrzyny - Wroclaw.
Lenten Retreat in Wroclaw
Poland 2011More
Don Reto - Wawrzyny - Wroclaw.

Lenten Retreat in Wroclaw
Poland 2011
Dear Father Nay,
Deo gratias! 🙂More
Dear Father Nay,

Deo gratias! 🙂
As I was told by Mark 721431 people in his company have abdul as a prefix before their first name,abdul means slave in arabic.Jesus knew about the one that was to come in his own name bringing darkness and slavery and that's why He warned all of us in St John saddened that " I come from the Father,yet ye do not believe Me,but one that was not send by the Father will come in his own name,Him ye shall …More
As I was told by Mark 721431 people in his company have abdul as a prefix before their first name,abdul means slave in arabic.Jesus knew about the one that was to come in his own name bringing darkness and slavery and that's why He warned all of us in St John saddened that " I come from the Father,yet ye do not believe Me,but one that was not send by the Father will come in his own name,Him ye shall believe " . Our only defense and assurance that the Darkness shall not overcome us was believing and keeping the Light of the Living Word,so we could become the children of Light,for on such the Darkness has no power and whosoever walks in Darkness does not know where he is going".Beware those times are upon us ✍️ 😡 🙏 🤐 🤨 👌 😲
Don Reto Nay
Dear ACLumsden
Temporal justice has many "advantages": It forces people, it pushes them in the right direction and treats them like slaves. Lazy people like if somebody takes over their lives.
The justice of Christi does the opposite. It comes through the Holy Spirit who enters your hearts like a sweet wind. He does not force us and is extremely discrete. He will be a part of your lives only to …More
Dear ACLumsden

Temporal justice has many "advantages": It forces people, it pushes them in the right direction and treats them like slaves. Lazy people like if somebody takes over their lives.

The justice of Christi does the opposite. It comes through the Holy Spirit who enters your hearts like a sweet wind. He does not force us and is extremely discrete. He will be a part of your lives only to the extend that we want this. Therefore he is the spirit of liberty.

To the extend that we don't want to be slaves any more, we will embrace the Holy Spirit and become friends of Christi. Then will stop relying on the power of vengeance and threat that is at the basis of temporal justice.
Dear Father Nay,
"The justice of God cannot be based in any way on human flesh or human power." Thank you Father for this most powerful of statements. That the Old Testament taught, "an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth" is quite contrary to Christianity is clear from your presentation.
I have one question: How, in this very secular world, with its demands for temporal justice (given the recent …More
Dear Father Nay,

"The justice of God cannot be based in any way on human flesh or human power." Thank you Father for this most powerful of statements. That the Old Testament taught, "an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth" is quite contrary to Christianity is clear from your presentation.

I have one question: How, in this very secular world, with its demands for temporal justice (given the recent global affairs in connexion to Islam extreemists, sex scandals in the Church,etc.) and the like, can we Roman Catholics guard our hearts from only seeing justice in terms of temporal authority, e.g. civil law?

😇 🤗
Don Reto Nay
Dear Holy Cannoli
Thanks for your precious comments. Let's cut right into the cake:
1. The homily is on the fourth sermon of the Gospel in Mt 18 which is the sermon on the Church.
2. The Old Testament is perhaps three times longer than the New Testament. The reason for this is that, most of the time, we live in the Old Testament. In this sermon, however, the focus is not on the Old Testament but …More
Dear Holy Cannoli

Thanks for your precious comments. Let's cut right into the cake:

1. The homily is on the fourth sermon of the Gospel in Mt 18 which is the sermon on the Church.

2. The Old Testament is perhaps three times longer than the New Testament. The reason for this is that, most of the time, we live in the Old Testament. In this sermon, however, the focus is not on the Old Testament but on the Church and the New Testament. That is the reason why I am so short on the Old Testament.

3. The indeed terrible imagery in Matthew that tells us to cut off an offending foot or hand or to pluck out an offending eye if they are a source of temptation and could lead us into hell, is actually not part of the fourth sermon on the Church, but of the first sermon, which is the "Sermon on the Mount". If I am not mistaken, I explain that passage there. In a nut-shell: The word about the eye and the food is part of the context where the attributes of the justice of God are explained.

Now, the suggestion of cutting off eyes or feet would (probably) be successfull only if not only eyes ad feet but everything else would be cut off as well. Referring to the justice of God this means: The justice of God cannot be based in any way on human flesh or human power.

4. Your comment on telling stories is very true. I would like to tell many more of them (and admire Protestant preachers who seem to have endless supplies of such stories). As you can see, I have only very few of them available...
Holy Cannoli
Dear Fr.Nay,
If I followed correctly, the theme of your talk was how we can become as “little children” by searching within and allowing the Holy Spirit to be born within us?
A few points. At 1:52 you mentioned that we become Christians by abandoning the Old Testament and entering into the New. I know what you meant and perhaps this could have been phrased differently in order to acknowledge the …More
Dear Fr.Nay,

If I followed correctly, the theme of your talk was how we can become as “little children” by searching within and allowing the Holy Spirit to be born within us?

A few points. At 1:52 you mentioned that we become Christians by abandoning the Old Testament and entering into the New. I know what you meant and perhaps this could have been phrased differently in order to acknowledge the importance of the Old Testament even for Christians.

At 11:52 you mentioned that even if we are NOT in the Church we can still be as little children (with the Holy Spirit within us) and carry Him with us. Good imagery.

At 13:20 you said that the world wants to be “cheated” so we present a false image when we go on a job interview for example. I believe the word should be “deceived.” The world wants to be deceived. It wants to maintain a false appearance. Other people want to be deceived and have lied to themselves for so long and so often we must follow the pattern in order to succeed and be accepted in the world of illusions. As you've said, the Holy Spirit is different.

Several times (at 17:30, for example) you mentioned the terrible imagery in Matthew that tells us to cut off an offending foot or hand or to pluck out an offending eye if they are a source of temptation and could lead us into hell. I would have preferred if you went into some detail as to what this passage actually means. We don't see too many Christians with only one foot, one hand or one eye. Perhaps going into greater depth as to what Matthew meant and the hyperbole being used in this passage would have been appropriate.

Finally at 20:45 you gave an example of the nurse working in a Cancer clinic and her observation that she witnessed very few conversions among the dying. This was an interesting story and, in my opinion, your presentation could have been improved upon if more human interest stories like this would have been included. Your talk was, of course, theological and theoretical and could have been better if these kinds of anecdotal stories were added. Not only would such stories give the listeners a rest from the purely theological nature of the talk, but those stories would assist the listener in remembering the underlying theme of your talk which gave rise to the human interest story.

p.s. Simon is back. A cute little boy but, I must be honest, if he lived in the states (especially in my city) he would be mocked mercilessly by other little boys for having such long (girlish) hair. I'm not saying that mocking the boy is good. What I am saying is that evidently they do things differently in Poland.


+Thanks be to God for your preaching, Fr. Nay. So true. When trying to keep God at the center, the world will try to pull you off-center. Secular science would have you doubt having a soul or a Creator so it's an ongoing and fierce battle with those who think faith and science are mutually exclusive. Pascal's wager doesn't seem to convince even the dying as you mentioned. Really shook me to hear …More
+Thanks be to God for your preaching, Fr. Nay. So true. When trying to keep God at the center, the world will try to pull you off-center. Secular science would have you doubt having a soul or a Creator so it's an ongoing and fierce battle with those who think faith and science are mutually exclusive. Pascal's wager doesn't seem to convince even the dying as you mentioned. Really shook me to hear another preacher say if we get hardened to our sins and turn from God, we become like the demons who were created good in the beginning. Also appreciate the encouragement that God doesn't want slaves. Love is to be the primary motivation for seeking union with God. Peace.