Religious Service (1930-1939) Title missing. Men line up with with hymn books and sing. A small procession of monks walk past singing. Various shots of religious ceremony. It appears to be a ceremony …More
Religious Service (1930-1939)

Title missing. Men line up with with hymn books and sing. A small procession of monks walk past singing. Various shots of religious ceremony. It appears to be a ceremony where young men become apprentice monks. Their jackets are removed and they are presented with their monastic habits. VS of the new monks. MS of priest speaking. VS of monk being handed candle and crucifix. He is blessed and greeted by the priest. The new monks parade away. VS of monks having haircuts - the traditional tonsure. Good shots of monks with newly shaven heads. N.B. Item found in Unidentified Gazettes reel. FILM ID:2753.03 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT'S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES. www.britishpathe.tv FOR LICENSING ENQUIRIES VISIT www.britishpathe.com