The Mission of Marthe Robin. The Mission of Marthe Robin Net for God The Chemin Neuf Community - French - German - Spanish - Italian - Portuguese - Hungarian - Dutch - Czech - Solvak - LatvianMore
The Mission of Marthe Robin.

The Mission of Marthe Robin
Net for God The Chemin Neuf Community

- French - German - Spanish - Italian - Portuguese - Hungarian - Dutch - Czech - Solvak - Latvian - Lithuanian - Polish - Russian - Armenian - Arabic - Chinese - Japanese - Vietnamese - Mossi - Lingala - Kirundi - Mauritian Creole - Malagasy -

There are people who leave behind them a wake of light. It is undeniably the case of Marthe Robin. This film tells of her inner adventure. Marthe was captured, moved by the irresistible love of Christ! She is without doubt one of the most fascinating figures of the 20th century.
It is true that this poor country girl, bed-ridden since age of 18 until her death aged 78, received in her farmhouse over fifty years more than 100,000 people whose lives have been changed, enlightened, shaken up by such an encounter! Yet she was totally paralysed, living in the dark, without eating or drinking, suffering and reliving the passion and resurrection of Christ each week.
In 1936, with Father Georges Finet, a priest from Lyon in France, from her small dark room, in the isolated village of Châteauneuf de Galaure, God set to work. Marthe Robin died in 1981, but remains present around the world through the Foyers de Charité.