Predisposition of Devotion to Mary: Sermon by Fr Daniel Adayi CSSp. A Day With Mary. Predisposition of Devotion to Mary: Sermon by Fr Daniel Adayi CSSp. A Day With Mary, Our Lady of Grace Catholic …More
Predisposition of Devotion to Mary: Sermon by Fr Daniel Adayi CSSp. A Day With Mary.

Predisposition of Devotion to Mary: Sermon by Fr Daniel Adayi CSSp. A Day With Mary, Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, Charlton, London, England. Saturday 3 February 2018. All DWM videos at: www.adaywithmary.org - Click cog & select to watch in full HD. Also at www.youtube.com/channel/UCChTmNAZl36AHD… and www.facebook.com/ADayWithMary and twitter.com/adaywithmary