Gloria Polo: The Sins of Omission & the Importance of Praying for Others. The Lord said to me, "Look at my people. Why would you have to wait for your family to become ill with cancer in order for you …More
Gloria Polo: The Sins of Omission & the Importance of Praying for Others.

The Lord said to me, "Look at my people. Why would you have to wait for your family to become ill with cancer in order for you to pray for those who suffer from cancer? Why did you have to wait for your husband to be kidnapped in order for you to pray for all those who get kidnapped?" And he began to show me the pain that God feels when we do not correctly administer the talents that He has given us. He said to me, "And you, you had a heart of stone incapable of feeling pain."
When I was watching that on TV, I felt so much pain and that caused me to pay attention. It happened in Benadillo, Tolima, over there in my country. Immediately after they showed a spectacular diet that was very popular at that time. The news of the diet took precedence over the news of the lady farmer and her husband and never again did I remember her. Who do you think asked me about that lady farmer? Who do you think didn't forget about her? The Lord. When I was up there being judged, the Lord said to me, "When you felt so much pain for that lady farmer, it was I inspiring you to go to her aid. But you never kneeled before me, not even for a second to say a prayer for her. You were so overtaken by the news of the diet that you forgot all about the farmer." The Lord first showed me a farmer who was being asked to leave the house in which he lived in. The farmer chose not to leave. The Guerilla came armed with weapons. The Lord began to show me that farmer's life in its entirety. The Lord showed me the fear that that farmer felt when he saw the Guerilla approaching his house. The Lords showed me how that farmer hid his wife and house children under some humongous pot-looking things. He wasn't able to hide and the Guerilla chased after him. You want to know what his last words were? "Lord, please, have mercy upon my children and my wife." At that moment they killed him. The Lord showed me all that when I was before Him being judged.
When they shot him, the Lord allowed me to feel the pain that that woman felt. What did that woman feel and those children feel who could not scream when they killed her husband and her husband falls dead before their very eyes? That is how God shows to us the pain that He feels due to the suffering of his children; and we walk around concerned only with our own problems and our own needs.
You know what God wanted of me at that moment? He only wanted me to kneel and to pray to him. And He had inspired me to do so. You want to know what I had to do? All I had to do is walk a few steps and go to the priest that was in front of me and tell him, "Father, I saw this happen," and that priest was a friend of the priest in that town; that is, the town where the man was shot to death in front of his wife and children, and that priest ran a shelter for immigrants who had no place to live.
And that's the first thing that God is going to ask us about. Before he even begins to ask us about our sins, he will first ask us about the sins of omission. The sins of omission are so grave, so grave. You have no idea, brothers and sisters, of the gravity of the sins of omission. Sins of omission make God cry. And when you go before God, he's going to show you how your communities and those around you suffer as a consequence of your sins of omission.
And back to the lady farmer whose husband was killed. The Lord showed me how they were now after her trying to kill her. And she goes running out of there with her two children. And a priest tells her, "Daughter, if you don't leave, they are going to kill you." And he sent her to the most merciful city of Colombia; that is to the city of Bogota. He gave her some money and a few letters of recommendation. She takes off running. But even though she had those letters, she was not welcomed anywhere. Therefore, that lady farmer was forced into prostitution. And the Lord shows me how a few years later He had given me an opportunity to see that lady farmer again. I was going to Downtown. And I hated going to Downtown.
We were in our car and my son asks me, "Mommy, how come that lady is wearing such a short skirt?"
I responded by saying, "Son, do not look at those prostitutes. They're harlots. They're simply nobodies who sell their body for pleasure." Without even knowing the reason why some women become prostitutes, I responded to my son in such a manner. I poisoned his mind by characterizing a fallen sister in such a miserable way. And she had fallen into that lifestyle due to the indifference of others who did not lend her a helping hand. The Lord showed all this to me when I was up there being judged. That's why the Lord says that the indifferent human beings are the lukewarm that he will spit out. An indifferent individual will NEVER enter heaven. An indifferent individual is one who goes about life without caring for anything or anyone outside of his or her home.