Is Pope Francis’ Pontificate the Stalin Area of the Catholic Church? Is Pope Francis’ Pontificate the Stalin Era of the Catholic Church? Pope Francis speaks about “collegiality” and “decentralisation …More
Is Pope Francis’ Pontificate the Stalin Area of the Catholic Church?

Is Pope Francis’ Pontificate the Stalin Era of the Catholic Church?

Pope Francis speaks about “collegiality” and “decentralisation” but he governs like a brutal, merciless autocrat. The most recent example: Within a few weeks he forced all 34 bishops of Chile to hand in their demission. Francis also dismissed Columbia Nuncio Ettore Balestrero and Caracas Cardinal Urosa Savino because they have a different political opinion from his one.

Mafia in Medjugorje?

Archbishop Henryk Hoser, Pope Francis’ Delegate for Medjugorie, has suggested that the Neapolitan mafia, the Camorra, has entered the controversial pilgrimage place. During a homily in the chapel of Warsaw airport Hoser interpreted this as a sign of “demonic actions which are trying everything to ruin this place”. He added, “I will need to challenge these forces in Medjugorje”. The newspaper Il Mattino writes that three hotels in Medjugorje which receive pilgrims from Naples are allegedly under the control of the Camorra and also the business with devotionals.

A Rude Preacher Proclaiming a “Forgiving” God

A day after agreeing to a moratorium on anti-Church statements, Philippines President Duterte threatened to “kill” those priests who allegedly use God to hit him. Literaly he said, “If you include God in these issues, son of a bi*ch, I will kill you. Or, “Why are you fu**ing the name of the Lord against me?” Recently, Duterte called God “stupid” for letting temptation exist. During his war on illegal drugs, Duterte has so far killed about 4,000 people. Duterte said that – quote – “My voters are my God” adding that unlike the God of his critics, his God is “forgiving,” “not rude” and “does not curse.”

Abortion: Not Everybody Is a Coward

The directors of five hospitals in Jujuy, northern Argentina, have declared they prefer to go to jail rather than practice abortions and kill babies. "We never did this and we never will. We must take care of life” – they said in a statement. The directors oppose an Argentinean abortion law, sponsored by the neoliberal government, that disrespects conscientious objection and plans a temporary or permanent closure of clinics that refuse to kill babies.
Maudie N Mandeville
Stalin or stain, they both work.
Joseph a' Christian
Duterte is a vile murderer.
Our Almighty God is wonderful: creator of beautiful maple trees, polar bears, the moon...
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Aborto: No todo el mundo es cobarde
Los directores de cinco hospitales en Jujuy, en el norte de Argentina, han declarado que prefieren ir a la cárcel en lugar de practicar abortos y matar bebés. "Nunca hicimos esto y nunca lo haremos. Debemos cuidar la vida", dijeron en un comunicado. Los directores se oponen a una ley argentina de aborto, patrocinada por el gobierno neoliberal, que no respeta la …More
Aborto: No todo el mundo es cobarde
Los directores de cinco hospitales en Jujuy, en el norte de Argentina, han declarado que prefieren ir a la cárcel en lugar de practicar abortos y matar bebés. "Nunca hicimos esto y nunca lo haremos. Debemos cuidar la vida", dijeron en un comunicado. Los directores se oponen a una ley argentina de aborto, patrocinada por el gobierno neoliberal, que no respeta la objeción de conciencia y planea un cierre temporal o permanente de clínicas que se niegan a matar bebés. (Gloria TV Noticias)
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Gloria TV Noticias:
¿El pontificado del Papa Francisco es la era de Stalin de la Iglesia Católica?
El Papa Francisco habla de "colegialidad" y "descentralización", pero gobierna como un autócrata brutal y despiadado. El ejemplo más reciente: hace unas semanas forzó a los 34 obispos de Chile a entregar su demisión. Francisco también despidió al Nuncio de Colombia Ettore Balestrero y al Cardenal …More
Gloria TV Noticias:
¿El pontificado del Papa Francisco es la era de Stalin de la Iglesia Católica?
El Papa Francisco habla de "colegialidad" y "descentralización", pero gobierna como un autócrata brutal y despiadado. El ejemplo más reciente: hace unas semanas forzó a los 34 obispos de Chile a entregar su demisión. Francisco también despidió al Nuncio de Colombia Ettore Balestrero y al Cardenal de Caracas Urosa Savino porque tienen una opinión política diferente a la de él.
Dr Bobus
Nice blouse
Holy Cannoli
A Rude Preacher Proclaiming a “Forgiving” God
If you include God in these issues, son of a bi*ch, I will kill you. Or, “Why are you fu**ing the name of the Lord against me?” Recently, Duterte called God “stupid” for letting temptation exist.
Considering that the dominate religion in the Philippines is Catholicism, I wonder what Duterte is thinking, if he does think. His comments appear to be …More
A Rude Preacher Proclaiming a “Forgiving” God
If you include God in these issues, son of a bi*ch, I will kill you. Or, “Why are you fu**ing the name of the Lord against me?” Recently, Duterte called God “stupid” for letting temptation exist.

Considering that the dominate religion in the Philippines is Catholicism, I wonder what Duterte is thinking, if he does think. His comments appear to be slightly unstable or perhaps he is playing up to the 11 million Muslims (some of who are terrorists) in his country.

Then again, he may want to run for Governor in California. 👏

In spite of his comments, chances are very good that even without open repentance when his time is up he will be given an ecclesiastical Catholic funeral, a papal representative will be sent and he will be honored as a son of The Church just as pro-abortion/pro-homosexual Catholic politicians have. 👌
p.s. It appears that there is a new ‘”fashion consultant” in charge of wardrobe at GTV? 😲