Family on medal - Rodzina na medal. They have been married for 65 years. They have wonderful sons, sons, granddaughters, grandsons ... The family of which can confidently say on the medal. We visit at …Więcej
Family on medal - Rodzina na medal.

They have been married for 65 years. They have wonderful sons, sons, granddaughters, grandsons ... The family of which can confidently say on the medal.
We visit at your Krystyna and Stanislaw Kozlowski.

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Są małżeństwem od 65 lat. Mają wspaniałych synów, synowe, wnuczki, wnuczków... Rodzina o której śmiało można powiedzieć: na medal.
Jesteśmy z wizytą u Państwa Krystyny i Stanisława Kozłowskich.