The most important sacrament: The confession. The confession sacrament more important for living well that the Eucharist is the sacrament largest. As the penitent must prepare to celebrate this sacrament …More
The most important sacrament: The confession.

The confession sacrament more important for living well that the Eucharist is the sacrament largest. As the penitent must prepare to celebrate this sacrament. What are the main mortal sins today fairly widespread but little recognized as such and even less well confessed. Catechesis held in Gesualdo (AV) Friday, December 12, 2014, feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe La mia prima catechesi sottotitolata in inglese grazie al lavoro di una cara figlia! Help us caption & translate this video! amara.org/…/the-most-import…
Dr Bobus
The number of Confessions depends on availability. I have a priest friend who heard Confessions before and during Sunday mass. He was swamped with penitents.
A weekly schedule of once with 30 minutes is poor.More
The number of Confessions depends on availability. I have a priest friend who heard Confessions before and during Sunday mass. He was swamped with penitents.

A weekly schedule of once with 30 minutes is poor.
I find it ironic that in the lives of many saints they used the confessional often. How many do we see waiting for confession before mass or on a Saturday afternoon. Not many, but 80% typically receive the Eucharist. You mean to tell me that these people are more worthy or devout than saints? Hardly!
Dr Bobus
The Eucharist is the most important Sacrament--all the other six Sacraments are ordered toward the Eucharist.
Sam Gamgee
Scusate ,causa l'ora tarda ,l'abbaglio l'ho preso : prima della Cresima si fa la Prima Comunione !!
Sam Gamgee
Il Sacramento piu' importante in assoluto ? Gesu' disse che la prima 'missio' della Chiesa e' battezzare i popoli : senza Battesimo e Cresima credo non ci si possa confessare ( se non prendo un abbaglio ) e chi non e' battezzato ,salvo casi ben specifici ,non puo' andare in Paradiso . E' necessario quantomeno fare dei distinguo e specificare ( cosa che Don Leonardo fa ,mi sembra ).