Forming the Catholic Youth | This is the Day. catholictv on Jan 22, 2019 Jay Fadden sits down with Father Patrick Fiorillo, Chaplain of the Harvard Catholic Center in Cambridge, MA. Father Fiorillo …More
Forming the Catholic Youth | This is the Day.

catholictv on Jan 22, 2019 Jay Fadden sits down with Father Patrick Fiorillo, Chaplain of the Harvard Catholic Center in Cambridge, MA. Father Fiorillo talks about his opportunity and challenges in forming young Catholic students as a university chaplain. Father Fiorillo is also the Spiritual Director for Pure in Heart, a young adult group promoting the faith and virtue of chastity.

To learn more about the Harvard Catholic Center, visit
✍️ When his mind needs a break from theology, Father Patrick continues to play the drums in Vatican III, a jazz-funk quintet comprised of musicians who met in seminary.