Gloria II. lalemantpolyphonic.org presents this practice video, for those who wish to learn how to sing Gloria II. Video courtesy of ccwatershed.org Score courtesy of musicasacra.com Glory to God in …More
Gloria II.

lalemantpolyphonic.org presents this practice video, for those who wish to learn how to sing Gloria II.
Video courtesy of ccwatershed.org
Score courtesy of musicasacra.com
Glory to God in the highest.
And on earth peace to men of good will.
We praise Thee.
We bless Thee.
We adore Thee.
We glorify Thee.
We give thanks to Thee for Thy great Glory.
O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father almighty.
O Lord the only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father.
Thou who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Thou who takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer.
Thou who sittest at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
For Thou only art Holy.
Thou only art the Lord.
Thou only, O Jesus Christ, art Most High.
With the Holy Ghost, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Excellent voice and vocal style. The melodic lines are when defined, evincing a good knowledge of Latin metre and lingistic accent. The Latin vowels were amazing! Lovely open vowels which gave the Latin a bright sparkle with which English-speakers have rather a hard time doing. The tempo was nice and cheerful befitting a Gloria and I am happy to say that it was all well placed in pitch and timbre. …More
Excellent voice and vocal style. The melodic lines are when defined, evincing a good knowledge of Latin metre and lingistic accent. The Latin vowels were amazing! Lovely open vowels which gave the Latin a bright sparkle with which English-speakers have rather a hard time doing. The tempo was nice and cheerful befitting a Gloria and I am happy to say that it was all well placed in pitch and timbre.

I fully endorse the use of this for pedagogical purposes in the Parish. This example is much better than the Kyrie that was posted earlier from this learning resource site. Well done!! 👏