Sensus Fidelium
Sometimes Right Sometimes Wrong Never in Doubt. Know someone who stubbornly holds to their opinion? Someone who is sometimes right, sometimes wrong, but NEVER in doubt!? As high lord chancellor of the …More
Sometimes Right Sometimes Wrong Never in Doubt.

Know someone who stubbornly holds to their opinion? Someone who is sometimes right, sometimes wrong, but NEVER in doubt!? As high lord chancellor of the realm of England, St. Thomas More had special cells in his manor at Chelsea where he would bring condemned heretics. He would speak kindly with them seeking to convince them of their errors. Few would budge. Instead, they went to the stake professing their own false opinions to the end. The devil has his martyrs too. Who is right? Who are the true martyrs?? When will everyone know that they were definitively right or wrong and why? The Answer? The General Judgment. There has to be a time when all the thoughts of men and how they affected others are examined. And this needs to be done in front of those who were with them and all who were affected by them… In the Scriptures, Job’s friends had to be disabused of their ideas in front of Job and each other. Are not good court cases exciting? Why so? Because often such cases are solved when a third party arrives to reveal in a definitive what was previously unknown… to give witness from an different angle to break the case… In the case of Job the angel came in the whirlwind to convict the troublesome counselors of Job! Notice that the conviction was in a sort of courtroom like setting… they were forced to listen to the angel recount how God is in charge. How God created the universe and made the foundations of the world… and knows all things from beginning to end. Then the angel made known the mistakes of all involved from which there was no appeal… For this reason and many others, we see, therefore, why there must be two judgments. One for each individual upon his death so that his place in heaven, hell or Purgatory can be determined… that he may be punished or rewarded. But also, a second judgment is needed to take place in a sort of court before all mankind. With impeccable evidence and witnesses… with words that will not pass away even if heaven and earth pass away. Everyone must be disabused of his errors of judgment… This is the General Judgment! For more please visit www.reginaprophetarum.org & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest