Mission Impossible! Mission Impossible! Gospel of Sunday February 11, 2018 Dear Friends, the passage from Mark's Gospel, we'll hear next Sunday, first of Lenten, which shows us the fight between Jesus …More
Mission Impossible!

Mission Impossible!
Gospel of Sunday February 11, 2018

Dear Friends, the passage from Mark's Gospel, we'll hear next Sunday, first of Lenten, which shows us the fight between Jesus and Satan, reminds us, once again, that the Christian is not on earth to be a tourist, but to carry out, with the greatest power of Love that Jesus gives us, a mission.

A mission that could seems impossible for us, but, you know, nothing is impossible with God.

Yes, my dear friend, the truth is that God is with us in the only war we all have to fight and win, the one against evil and against the one who is the evil author and the inspirer: Satan.