Tango in the Church
Absolutly crazy! Pray for the priest
The most reprehensible part is not the priest acting like a godless fool, nor the immodest women desecrating the church. It is the people clapping and heartily encouraging this blasphemy. Rather, they should be gathering stones to throw. Pity those poor, poor children who are forced to observe this outrage. They are leading the little ones astray. Woe to them!
I think this may be flamenco (Spainish) rather than tango (French?). Either way I was thinking earlier today that the Cure of Ars, the great St Jean Vianney, railed against dancing and all that went with it. I wonder what he thinks of this and in a church, during the Mass (it seems)? Perhaps his bones are rattling with outrage?
Father forgive them ,they dont know what they do .
Uncle Joe
Most of the larger heifers would break the pole. 👌
Uncle Joe
Flying Monstrances are now the most recent "marvelous" creations of the Novus Ordo Church! www.youtube.com/watch