Gloria.TV News on the 25th of October 2016 Be Lax in Following the Law? Yesterday, during his morning Mass, Pope Francis condemned people who are – quote - “rigid” in following God’s law. He said: "…More
Gloria.TV News on the 25th of October 2016

Be Lax in Following the Law? Yesterday, during his morning Mass, Pope Francis condemned people who are – quote - “rigid” in following God’s law. He said: "Behind an attitude of rigidity there is always something else in the life of a person." He concluded: “They appear good because they follow the law; but they are concealing something else: either they are hypocritical or they are sick."

Francis Prefers Apparachiks: Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard, the intelligent and heroically faithful former archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, will be the first head of that See in 200 years not to be appointed a cardinal, notes lifesitenews.com. Given the fidelity of his service, Léonard seemed to be one of the most likely candidates to receive the honor, and yet Pope Francis consistently passed him over. Instead he named his successor, the left-wing apparachik De Kesel, who made headlines by closing a priestly fraternity instituted by archbishop Léonard shortly after taking office.

Violence: A controversial exhibit opened in Estonia at the National Museum in the presence of President Toomas Hendrik Ilves was altered, after protests. It showed a picture of the Virgin on a breaking screen, which with the help of a foot pedal could be replaced by the word 'reformation.'

Sign: On 20 October, Bishop Athanasius Schneider visited the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem in Charles Town, West Virginia. After his Holy Mass he encouraged Catholics to sign the recently published Declaration of Fidelity to the Church’s Unchangeable Teaching on Marriage and to Her Uninterrupted Discipline.
Iam very confused with this Pope . And Truth should not be confusing ,should be clear not deceiving ,All Jesus teachings show compassion but also shows one way ,and one way only His way even if its hard , because He carried the cross for us ,and we should carrie our own crosses . Dont try to change doctrine to appease the secularistic world .because this world hates Jesus and true catholics
Clearly we have an anti-Pope, how dare this imposter Pope make ungodly, uncharitable, pathetic dumb homilies… He insults our lord, for it is our lord Jesus that says “If you love me, you will keep my commandments”
John (14:15)…
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them...Matthew 5:17.
Is it not any wonder a worship statue …More
Clearly we have an anti-Pope, how dare this imposter Pope make ungodly, uncharitable, pathetic dumb homilies… He insults our lord, for it is our lord Jesus that says “If you love me, you will keep my commandments”
John (14:15)…
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them...Matthew 5:17.
Is it not any wonder a worship statue of Martin Luther is in the Vatican… Yes C Jorge loves Luther more than our lord.. Birds of a feather..
God keep us steadfast in our faith as we await the demise of such an Ungodly anti-Pope.
Dr Bobus
Francis is a Jesuit, and the Jesuits are trained to be extremists. And so he considers the situation as choosing between two extremes--rigorism and laxism. Reject the former and embrace the latter.
On the other hand, the Dominicans preach balance--finding the Golden Mean between contrary extremes. In fact Fr Garrigou LaGrange said that both rigorism and laxism are species of Relativism.
IMHO, …More
Francis is a Jesuit, and the Jesuits are trained to be extremists. And so he considers the situation as choosing between two extremes--rigorism and laxism. Reject the former and embrace the latter.

On the other hand, the Dominicans preach balance--finding the Golden Mean between contrary extremes. In fact Fr Garrigou LaGrange said that both rigorism and laxism are species of Relativism.

IMHO, Francis is formalizing the end of the Neo-Con Church, which is Catholic in morals and Protestant in liturgy. In so far as he is pursuing a policy to effect reunion of the SSPX with Rome, he is strengthening Latin. He thinks that Latin liturgy is a thing of the past, but comparing the priestly vocations of the SSPX, FSSP and other groups dedicated to Latin liturgy to those of the Novus Ordo Church (incl the Jesuits) seems to indicate that Latin is the wave of the future.
Pope Frances he preaches what he is or does ,which is ,he does not really believe the dogma of the Church
Il est sur que quand on cache sa croix pectorale pour ne pas incommoder ses potes rabbins avec qui on mange casher, on est pas rigide, mais est-on encore catholique ???
Isn't it ironic Bergoglio spreads his Marxist ideology days before the Feast of Christ the King. I think most know by now what his hidden agenda is: to breakdown the traditions that we hold and incorporate the Roman Catholic Church into the upcoming One World Religion. This philosophy known as Ecumenism was the driving force behind VII. He may preside over the institutional Church in Rome but Our …More
Isn't it ironic Bergoglio spreads his Marxist ideology days before the Feast of Christ the King. I think most know by now what his hidden agenda is: to breakdown the traditions that we hold and incorporate the Roman Catholic Church into the upcoming One World Religion. This philosophy known as Ecumenism was the driving force behind VII. He may preside over the institutional Church in Rome but Our Lord assures us that He will never abandon His Church.
Lionel L. Andrades
I know of a liberal Franciscan community where the only traditional priest was persecuted by sending him for psychological counselling. The Responsible of that community Bro. Clifford told me that that there was a nun in a religous community whom he knew, who would not accept 'the new changes in the Church', she would not accept 'the new doctrines' and …More
I know of a liberal Franciscan community where the only traditional priest was persecuted by sending him for psychological counselling. The Responsible of that community Bro. Clifford told me that that there was a nun in a religous community whom he knew, who would not accept 'the new changes in the Church', she would not accept 'the new doctrines' and so she too was sent for Counselling.Bo.Clifford OFM had accepted the new teachings in the Church.
Both these persecuted religious were affirming the traditional teachings of the Church unlike the rest of their community who had accepted the Masonic approved new doctrines.
Vatican Insider recently published a 'hit list' of Catholic Italians, who were conservative.
Now Vatican Insder quotes Pope Francis as suggesting that those who are traditional have something wrong with them, may be a sickness.
This is in keeping with the Masonic values and agenda which Pope Francis, and also Pope Benedict, was following.
With the secular Left authorities in harmony with the popes at the Vatican does it mean that conservatives, those who will be considered 'fundamentalist' and 'rigid' will be sent for psychological training or to the gulags, as was done in Communist countries?
Some 10 years back at a San Egido Conference in England it was reported by the Catholic Herald, England that Cardinal Murphy O Conner said that those who are traditional or do not accept the Masonic values over which he was militant, should be ostracised. They should not be given food I suppose.
Fr.Leomard Feeney of Boston was faithful to the dogmatic teaching on salvation and he and the St. Benedict Center were ostracised by the Archbishop of Boston.Boston was emerging at that time as a major Jewish Left centre.Now when we see what has become of Boston it is clear that what Fr.Leonard Feeney had predicted has come true..
He was excommunicated and ostracised when he was not teaching any thing new.The Archbishop and the Holy Office then did away with the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Right through Vatican Council II he had penalties placed on him.
Is this what is going to happen to all of from now on?
-Lionel Andrades
Catholique et Français
Va pour les pharisiens d'il y a 2000 ans, "avps" ! Et que j'me bouscule pour être au premier rang ! Et que j'me pavane dans Jérusalem ! Et que je fais les yeux doux aux Puissants du temps ! Y-a bon les bonnes places ! etc... etc... Et, à mon avis, nombre de traditionalistes de notre temps ressemblent beaucoup plus aux esséniens du temps de Notre-Seigneur, avec les mêmes qualités et, hélas, les …More
Va pour les pharisiens d'il y a 2000 ans, "avps" ! Et que j'me bouscule pour être au premier rang ! Et que j'me pavane dans Jérusalem ! Et que je fais les yeux doux aux Puissants du temps ! Y-a bon les bonnes places ! etc... etc... Et, à mon avis, nombre de traditionalistes de notre temps ressemblent beaucoup plus aux esséniens du temps de Notre-Seigneur, avec les mêmes qualités et, hélas, les mêmes... défauts ! Cela dit, mieux vaut, cent fois mieux, être un essénien qu'un pharisien, même si l'idéal c'est de devenir un "pauvre de Yahvé", un "anawah" !
Commentaire que j'approuve fort d'une Gloria-tubeuse :
"Sans vouloir entrer dans la polémique, je dirai que je suis quelque peu dubitative lorsque le traditionalisme est traité de pharisaïsme puisque, de fait, ce sont précisément les pharisiens qui avait dévié de la loi, au point que Jésus a dû à de nombreuses reprises les sermonner vertement. Les pharisiens d'aujourd'hui sont donc à l'image …More
Commentaire que j'approuve fort d'une Gloria-tubeuse :
"Sans vouloir entrer dans la polémique, je dirai que je suis quelque peu dubitative lorsque le traditionalisme est traité de pharisaïsme puisque, de fait, ce sont précisément les pharisiens qui avait dévié de la loi, au point que Jésus a dû à de nombreuses reprises les sermonner vertement. Les pharisiens d'aujourd'hui sont donc à l'image des pharisiens d'autrefois, des religieux qui détournent la doctrine catholique, pour lui faire embrasser des nouveautés qui lui sont opposées mais qui servent leurs propres intérêts." 👍
Mgr Léonard est le prélat le plus affectueux (j' ai reçu 2 bénédictions apostolique de lui!!!) de toute la conférence épiscopale de Belgique. Mais, les médias belges ont systématiquement calomnié cet homme! Maintenant, c' est monsieur de kesel, et cet homme la est un traître à la Nation Belge, car les 2 premières décisions qu' il a pris est d' héberger 10.000 migrants dans les locaux des …More
Mgr Léonard est le prélat le plus affectueux (j' ai reçu 2 bénédictions apostolique de lui!!!) de toute la conférence épiscopale de Belgique. Mais, les médias belges ont systématiquement calomnié cet homme! Maintenant, c' est monsieur de kesel, et cet homme la est un traître à la Nation Belge, car les 2 premières décisions qu' il a pris est d' héberger 10.000 migrants dans les locaux des différents diocèses de Belgique, et dissout la fraternité des saints apotres, le "bébé" de Mgr Léonard.
Monsieur de kesel est un traître à la nation!
Longue vie pour Léonard, Nemesis Divina pour monsieur de kesel!
N.B: Archevêque de Malines/Bruxelles, Primat de Belgique, et bientôt cardinal; cela s' appelle cumuler les titres...