The Chequers deal does not work. It does not deliver Brexit. Jacob Rees-Mogg on Twitter: "The Chequers deal does not work. It does not deliver Brexit."More
The Chequers deal does not work. It does not deliver Brexit.

Jacob Rees-Mogg on Twitter: "The Chequers deal does not work. It does not deliver Brexit."
Great Analysis found on Facebook: The problem with the Brexit negotiations is that the interests of the EU as an institution do not coincide with the interests of the twenty-seven member states or their citizens. It is in the interests of the member states and their citizens to secure free movement of goods between a sovereign UK and the EU but this would expose the fact that the single market does …More
Great Analysis found on Facebook: The problem with the Brexit negotiations is that the interests of the EU as an institution do not coincide with the interests of the twenty-seven member states or their citizens. It is in the interests of the member states and their citizens to secure free movement of goods between a sovereign UK and the EU but this would expose the fact that the single market does not really require ECJ judicial supremacy and that would expose the superfluity of the entire supranational structure. A simple instinct for self-preservation means that the EU institutions cannot admit this. It is this chasm between the oligarchic interests of the EU and the common good of the people of the twenty-eight member states which led to the Brexit vote in the first place.