Gloria.TV News on the 10th of October 2016 No Catholic: Yesterday, Pope Francis announced the creation of 17 new cardinals. Among them there is not a single Catholic voice. Three of the 17 are radical …More
Gloria.TV News on the 10th of October 2016

No Catholic: Yesterday, Pope Francis announced the creation of 17 new cardinals. Among them there is not a single Catholic voice. Three of the 17 are radical liberals and killers of vocations: Archbishop Cupich of Chicago, Bishop Kevin Joseph Farrell, the prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, and Brussels Archbishop Jozef De Kesel.

Killer Cardinal: Cardinal-elect Jozef De Kesel is especially ruthless when it comes to fighting the Catholic faith. About homosexuals he said: “I respect the way they experience sexuality.” De Kesel is an enemy of celibacy and supports communion for persons living in open adultery. In July he killed the flourishing New-Rite Priestly Fraternity of the Holy Apostles founded by Fr Michel-Maria Zanotti-Sorkine.

Disloyalty Rewarded: Another American nominee is Indianapolis Archbishop Joseph William Tobin, the former secretary of the Congregation of Consecrated Life who publically opposed the Vatican’s visitation of the pro-abortion and pro-homosex U.S. Leadership Conference of Women Religious. Tobin called Amoris Laetitia a – quote – “amazing document.”

Enemy of Cardinal Müller: Among the new cardinals is also radical Archbishop Carlos Osoro Sierra of Madrid, Spain. He made headlines in April when he forbad Cardinal Müller, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, to present his new book about Christ, the Church, the family and society at the University of the Archdiocese. The original version of the book is in Spanish. Osoro claimed that the book is – quote – “against the Pope.” He later backtracked at least partially.
Holy Cannoli and 2 more users link to this post
Libor Halik shares this
František superpapež a supercírkev.
Prorokoval o nich D. Wilkerson r.1973 velmi smutné věci.More
František superpapež a supercírkev.

Prorokoval o nich D. Wilkerson r.1973 velmi smutné věci.
GJA Taylor
papa francis (oops his real name, papa bernadine the first), is surrounding himself with more weirdos who love dress up and luxury lifestyles who believe nothing catholic, what's new?
He will be named in history as the pope of the great schism.
You came real close this time - you put the words "no Catholic" and "Francis" very close together. Now insert the word "Chastisement".
Jrussum shares this
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bod 1: Nekatolícke: včera 9.10. František oznámil vymenovanie 17 nových kardinálov. Medzi nimi nie je jediný katolícky hlas. Traja zo 17 predstavujú radikálnych liberálov a vrahov z povolania: 1.Arcibiskup Cupich Chicaga, 2.biskup Joseph Kevin Farrell, prefekt dikastéria pre laikov, rodinu a život / novinka vytvorená na synode 2015 Bergogliom / a 3. z Bruselu arcibiskup Jozef De Kesel
bod 1: Nekatolícke: včera 9.10. František oznámil vymenovanie 17 nových kardinálov. Medzi nimi nie je jediný katolícky hlas. Traja zo 17 predstavujú radikálnych liberálov a vrahov z povolania: 1.Arcibiskup Cupich Chicaga, 2.biskup Joseph Kevin Farrell, prefekt dikastéria pre laikov, rodinu a život / novinka vytvorená na synode 2015 Bergogliom / a 3. z Bruselu arcibiskup Jozef De Kesel
satanský krok
🤮 od Bergoglia!!! HNUS!!!!
bod 2: Kardina - ničitel= zabiják : novozvolený Jozef De Kesel je obzvlášť nemilosrdný, pokiaľ ide o boj s katolíckou vierou. O homosexuáloch povedal: "Vážim si spôsob, akým chcú zažiť sexualitu." De Kesel je nepriateľom celibátu a podporuje spoločenstvo pre osoby žijúce vo voľnej láske teda cudzoložstvo. V júli zničil prekvitajúci nový rád Kňazské bratstvo svätých apoštolov založené donom Michel-Maria Zanotti-Sorkin.
satanské kroky 🤮 jeho kolegu De Kesela!!! HNUS!!!
bod 3.Nelojálnosti odmenené: Ďalším je americký kandidát z Indianapolis arcibiskup Joseph William Tobin, bývalý sekretár Kongregácie zasväteného života, ktorý verejne oponoval (2011) odpovedi z Vatikánu za pp. Benedikta XVI.: Vysoký vatikánsky predstavený: Za nevraživosť medzi „progresívnymi“ americkými rehoľníčkami a Rímom môže Vatikán
Rehoľníci v Spojených štátoch sú hlboko rozdelení ideologickými a doktrínalnymi líniami, sú medzi nimi „progresívni“ reprezentovaní veľmi ľavicovým vedením Konferencie rehoľníc, a „konzervatívnejší“ nedávnejšie založený Koncil vyšších predstavených rehoľníc. “ Konferencia rehoľníc bola veľkým kritikom Vatikánskych snáh krotiť organizačné ideologické stanovy a tiež verejne podporila legislatívu ohľadom zdravotníckej starostlivosti, ktorá bola označená prolife vodcami a americkými biskupmi za expanziu financovania interrupcií.

Tobin volal amoris Laetitia a - citujem - "úžasný dokument."

bod 4: nepriateľský kard.Müller
Medzi novými kardinálmi je tiež radikálny arcibiskup Carlos Osoru Sierra v Madride, Španielsko. On robil titulky v apríli, keď bránili kardinála Müller, prefekta Kongregácie pre náuku viery, predstaviť svoju novú knihu o Kristovi, Cirkvi, rodiny a spoločnosti na univerzite v arcidiecéze. Pôvodná verzia knihy je v španielčine. OSOR tvrdil, že kniha je - citujem - ". Proti pápežovi" Neskôr ustúpil aspoň čiastočne....

Bergoglio razí zrejme heslo:
4 more comments from ľubica
In “seismic shift” Pope appoints very liberal Cupich and 2 more U.S. progressives among 17 new …
The move is alarming pro-life, pro-family, and tradition-minded Catholics because of Cupich’s record as an extremely liberal bishop, who among other things, equates global poverty and degradation of environment with abortion and euthanasia.
The "divorced and remarried" must be refused Holy Communion - their consciences do not bind that …
“But he that shall scandalise one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6) On October 17, 2015, during a …
Cardinal who supports LGBT radicals is moderator of English-speaking synod group
Vincent Cardinal Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, has been elected as moderator of the one of the four English-speaking circuli minores (small groups) at the Ordinary Synod on the Family. The moderator has extensive influence on the direction of …
>>>Cardinal-elect Jozef De Kesel is especially ruthless when it comes to fighting the Catholic faith...<<<
I would not describe all academics as corrupt or as idolaters, but most of them, inclusive ´Francis´, are in any case not able to accept the scriptures.
He and his cooperators should better enter into politics or in other academics, instead to jeer God´s biblical sayings.
I believe, the latest …More
>>>Cardinal-elect Jozef De Kesel is especially ruthless when it comes to fighting the Catholic faith...<<<
I would not describe all academics as corrupt or as idolaters, but most of them, inclusive ´Francis´, are in any case not able to accept the scriptures.
He and his cooperators should better enter into politics or in other academics, instead to jeer God´s biblical sayings.
I believe, the latest lightning strike that hit the Dome of St. Peter´s, was a clear sign of God.
Lionel L. Andrades
No Catholic : They are Cushingite cardinals
Vatican Council II and the Catechism of Pope Pius X are Feeneyite.They contradict Pope Pius XII,the Archbishop of Boston and the U.S Jesuits.Confusion arises with 29Q which can be interpreted as being visible or invisible but the cardinals do not know this.

Vatican Council II and the Catechism of Pope Pius X are Feeneyite.They support Fr. Leonard Feeney …More
No Catholic : They are Cushingite cardinals

Vatican Council II and the Catechism of Pope Pius X are Feeneyite.They contradict Pope Pius XII,the Archbishop of Boston and the U.S Jesuits.Confusion arises with 29Q which can be interpreted as being visible or invisible but the cardinals do not know this.

Vatican Council II and the Catechism of Pope Pius X are Feeneyite.They support Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston.They contradict Pope Pius XII,the Archbishop of Boston and the U.S Jesuits. Numbers 24Q and 27Q in the Catechism are Feeneyite.Confusion arises with 29Q which can be interpreted as being visible or invisible.The new cardinals interpret 29C as being visible.
Vatican Council II(AG 7, LG 14) and the Catechism of Pope Pius X are Feeneyite for me. They say all need to be incorporated into the Catholic Church as members for salvation.
They do not say that there is known salvation outside the Church.They do not say that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are explicit.So invincible ignorance and the catechumen who desires the baptism of water refer to hypothetical cases and not known cases in 2016.The text does not say it directly however one choose wrongly to make the inference.One can infer that there are references to visible for us in 2016 being saved in invincible ignorance without the baptism of water.
So Vatican Council II and the Catechism of Pope Pius X support Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston and contradict Pope Pius XII and the Archbishop of Boston only when hypothetical cases are not assumed to be defacto known ; invisible cases are not assumed to be visible and what is accepted in principle ( dejure) is not assumed to be known defacto( in reality).
In the Catechism of Pope Pius X see numbers 24Qand 27Q which are pro-Fr.Leonard Feeney.1
Confusion today comes with 29Q.2
It can be interpreted as being visible or invisible.If29Q refers to visible cases in 2016, people personally known who are saved in invincible ignorance and without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church, then 29Q contradicts 24Q and27Q. As I mentioned in a previous blog post I call this the Cushingite interpretation of the Catechism of Pope Pius X.
For Cushingites there are known exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).This was the traditional intepretation.The dogma EENS is no more like it was for the 16th century missionaries. It is a rupture with St. Robert Bellamine, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Francis Xavier.It has the hermeneutic of rupture also with the three Church Councils which defined this dogma ex cathedra.
For me 29Q refers to an invisible case.So it is not an exception to 24Q and 27Q.So the Catechism of Pope Pius X is Feeneyite and not Cushingite for me.

All need to be living members of the Catholic Church to avoid the fires of Hell.No one can be saved outside the Church.

It is with this rational reasoning that I interpret Vatican Council II as not being a rupture with the Catechism of Pope Pius X. It does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known to the 16th century missionaries.

Vatican Council II amd the Catechism of Pope Pius X also do not contradict the Syllabus of Errors and the rest of Tradition.

For the traditionalists and the Vatican Curia, Vatican Council II is a rupture with Tradition.Since Lumen Gentium 16( invincible ignorance) refers to a visible case.The error emerges with the inference.
For me the Catholic Church teaches, before and after Vatican Council II, that all Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Orthodox Christians, Protestants,atheists and other non Catholics,need to be incorporated into the Church as members for salvation.-Lionel Andrades

24 Q. To be saved, is it enough to be any sort of member of the Catholic Church?
A. No, to be saved it is not enough to be any sort of member of the Catholic Church; it is necessary to be a living member.
27 Q. Can one be saved outside the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church?
A. No, no one can be saved outside the Catholic, Apostolic Roman Church, just as no one could be saved from the flood outside the Ark of Noah, which was a figure of the Church

29 Q. But if a man through no fault of his own is outside the Church, can he be saved?
A. If he is outside the Church through no fault of his, that is, if he is in good faith, and if he has received Baptism, or at least has the implicit desire of Baptism; and if, moreover, he sincerely seeks the truth and does God's will as best he can such a man is indeed separated from the body of the Church, but is united to the soul of the Church and consequently is on the way of salvation

October 9, 2016

The Catechism of Pope Pius X is Feeneyite.It supports Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston and contradicts Pope Pius XII and the Archbishop of Boston. See numbers 24Q and 27Q.Confusion today comes with 29Q. It can be interpreted as being visible or invisible.