PELOSI and the POPE: Catholics of the New World Order. FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK, Michael J. Matt covers Trump's SOTU address in light of the rise and fall of Neo-Catholicism from the Tiber to the Swamp …More
PELOSI and the POPE: Catholics of the New World Order.

FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK, Michael J. Matt covers Trump's SOTU address in light of the rise and fall of Neo-Catholicism from the Tiber to the Swamp and beyond. With Pope Francis teaming up with the Imam this week, it becomes clear that Catholic Tradition--liturgy, values, theology--is on the rise due to the sheer insanity of the remnant of diehard neo-Catholics from Pelosi, to Cuomo, to Dolan and Pope Francis himself. Plus, Michael speaks of a new Coalition of Catholic Media that's been established to ask Pope Francis one fundamental question: "Do you accept the Church's infallible teaching on the immorality of homosexual ACTS?" Will the pope answer? Of course not, but that’s just the point—he can’t answer! The Church is lying to the LGBT community and everyone—Catholic, non-Catholic, homosexual, straight—wants to know why Francis won't tell the world the truth. For more Remnant TV content, please consider a tax-free donation: remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/donate-home