Bob and Penny Lord Presentation Salt Lake City PartI -518/1 www.journeysoffaith.com give a presentation on Heresies at Salt Lake City Part I 7 Presentations www.journeysoffaith.com/product-page/scandal …More
Bob and Penny Lord Presentation Salt Lake City PartI -518/1
www.journeysoffaith.com give a presentation on Heresies at Salt Lake City Part I 7 Presentations
Mrs. and (Mr.?) Lord are proud to be "extraordinary" Eucharistic ministers. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, "Nothing, but what is consecrated (priests hands) should touch the Sacred Species."
Many people think they are doing a good thing by distributing communion...but they are NOT. When we were in Catholic school, the nuns use to tell us, NO ONE TOUCHES THE CONSECRATED HOST..NOR THE CHALICE, …More
Mrs. and (Mr.?) Lord are proud to be "extraordinary" Eucharistic ministers. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, "Nothing, but what is consecrated (priests hands) should touch the Sacred Species."

Many people think they are doing a good thing by distributing communion...but they are NOT. When we were in Catholic school, the nuns use to tell us, NO ONE TOUCHES THE CONSECRATED HOST..NOR THE CHALICE, BUT THE PRIEST.