
Ave Maria Law priest takes bishops to task for failing to deny Communion to Biden, Pelosi, et. al

They condemn Obama but do not condemn Catholics who does as the same or worse than Obama. How can a Church has the respect of the world if she says one thing and does another?

Gloria.TV News on the 12th of March 2013

It is disheartening to hear such a lack of Wisdom. To him everything is a joke. Lord have Mercy in thy Holy Church, come to her aid, make hasty to help her.

Gloria.TV News on the 8th of February 2013

living in the Maccabees days. The traitors join the pagans and betray the Church, just like in the times of Macabees days.

Gloria TV News on the 8th of January

Cant wait...

Gloria.TV News on the 17th of December

Blessed Bishop Morlino....

Gloria.TV News on the 29th of October

Lord save us.

Gloria.TV News on the 10th of October

If we dont go back to the Faith, nothing we do will succeed. too many of our Leaders speak like there is no God...

Gloria.TV News on the 5th of October

Yeah, they both germanies. God bless you Bishop Fellay. Just wait a little longer, until our Lord sets things straight.

Gloria.TV News on the 3rd of October

These criminals dont want to be treated like criminals anymore.

Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of October

We are lost without Tradition. Why do you seek the Lord where He is not?

Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of October

We deliberately got ridden of our Tradition of piety and reverence for God and now they will seek this respect and piety in paganism. Go figure.

Gloria.TV News on the 26th of September

Right on target. time to stop the madness.

Gloria.TV News on the 18th of September

Cant wait to see the movie with the Archbishop.

Gloria.TV News on the 18th of September

How sad when you have to appeal for rap music instead of teaching the people to evangelize. That is so protestant.

Gloria TV News on the 28th of August

They will justify anything. What about the word obedience? how is that for a starter?

Gloria.TV News on the 10th of August

None of them are worthy of voting for. I will not vote. I will not support none them, for none of them stands for what is good.

Gloria.TV News on the 24th of July

She is adorable. What a blessing she gave us. Thanks be to God.

Gloria.TV News on the 20th of July

An imoral governments trying to be the ruler on Morals.

Gloria TV News on the 26th of June

Lord have Mercy!!

Gloria TV News on the 26th of June

Amen Cardinal. What is there to celebrate? Indeed, should be a day of sadness and repentance for what they have done to the Church Jesus found.