
What Catholics can learn from the Quran

Wait! Wait! Wait! You are a Diocesan official? "Kathleen K. Duff serves on the Diocese of Albany's Commission for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs. She is a campus minister at Notre Dame-Bishop Gibbons School in Schenectady, N.Y." You are joking right?
Maybe you should go to work for the white house. They would be certain to buy into your stupidity! No matter what you should not be in any …More
Wait! Wait! Wait! You are a Diocesan official? "Kathleen K. Duff serves on the Diocese of Albany's Commission for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs. She is a campus minister at Notre Dame-Bishop Gibbons School in Schenectady, N.Y." You are joking right?
Maybe you should go to work for the white house. They would be certain to buy into your stupidity! No matter what you should not be in any position of leadership unless it is head pew warmer. And people wonder why there is division in the Body of Christ. 🤬 And last but not least, you claim to have read 1700 pages in 3 weeks. Thats 566 pages per week. I wish I had a job that allowed me to read the equivelint of the Holy Bible every 3 weeks. Either you are a volunteer or you are over-paid. 😡

Boy Scouts had to fight with Catholic priests to remove gay leader

If the person in question had a problem with a different addiction such as drugs or alcohol, he/she would not be allowed to be in a leadership position. If same sex attraction is viewed as something to be overcome then those people who suffer from it should not be leading our young people. Whether or not liberals like or even understand it, we (non-liberals, Christians, conservatives, etc.) want …More
If the person in question had a problem with a different addiction such as drugs or alcohol, he/she would not be allowed to be in a leadership position. If same sex attraction is viewed as something to be overcome then those people who suffer from it should not be leading our young people. Whether or not liberals like or even understand it, we (non-liberals, Christians, conservatives, etc.) want our children to grow under the guidence of people like ourselves, not people who suffer from addictions, abnormalities/perversions and other conditions/opinions we disagree with.

Geh beichten. IConfessContest

Great Video!! Short, Powerful, Perfect! I will be sharing this with everyone I know 👏