HLI Condemns “Blatant Persecution” of Austrian Pro-Lifers

Photo -- Dietmar Fischer 21 July 2011 Press Release Austria Human Life International Austria director and colleagues face $10,000 fine or jail time for peaceful sidewalk counseling VIENNA, Austria —A …More
Photo -- Dietmar Fischer
21 July 2011 Press Release
Human Life International Austria director and colleagues face $10,000 fine or jail time for peaceful sidewalk counseling
VIENNA, Austria —A ruling by a judge in Graz, Austria is a case of blatant persecution of pro-lifers, says Human Life International (HLI) Interim President Monsignor Ignacio Barreiro-Carambula.
A report released this week by the Catholic video website Gloria.tv
Judgment against Austrian Pro-Lifers
helps explain the “contradictory” and “bizarre” nature of Jude Erik Nauta’s ruling against four pro-life advocates, including Dietmar Fischer, director of HLI Austria. Judge Nauta fined Mr. Fischer an astonishing $10,000 for his pro-life advocacy, and also charged pro-life sidewalk counselors fines between $600 and $1,200 each for what the judge considered to be “stalking” of the Graz-based abortionist, Johannes Hanfstingl. Judge Nauta’s ruling occurred in early April, and the case is currently under appeal. If the …More
holyrope 3
😇 Here's the email again...Pls do email this Beatrix Karl, let him no of the unjust and unfair decision made by this judge! post@bmj.gv.at