holyrope 3
Islamization of England. Islamization Of EnglandMore
Islamization of England.
Islamization Of England
I think Islam is our "scourge" or (in a positive way: a compass) for us, since we Christians have come off the way. (Like Israel in the old testament was persecuted as well by others).
Since Islam is Christian heresy, it's also a great danger for our dogma. Islam mentions Jesus and also Mary - they even believe in immaculate conception! - but denies the death on the cross and hence: Christ dying …More
I think Islam is our "scourge" or (in a positive way: a compass) for us, since we Christians have come off the way. (Like Israel in the old testament was persecuted as well by others).

Since Islam is Christian heresy, it's also a great danger for our dogma. Islam mentions Jesus and also Mary - they even believe in immaculate conception! - but denies the death on the cross and hence: Christ dying for our sins, ressurrection --> the ESSENCE of our faith!! They also deny divinity of Christ, he was "only" a prophet. Yet, this is what many Christians believe today as well. I am afraid they might be a prey for islam... That's why we need a solid catechism in our parishes and of course -- PRAYER!
I dont see anything wrong with segratating the pools or making men and women dress modestly.. but thats where its stops. Those people will not win.
This is the result of the loss of Christianity in these countries. It's like a judgement. Lord have mercy on us all. There is more to Islam than can be seen with the eye. It is a spiritual force and it must be fought spiritually as well as politcally. The battle of Lepanto is there as a memory for us to get down on our knees and invoke the aid of our Blessed Mother Mary. - Blessings - Rene
Right you are, marthe. Islam's only strength is in the sword and in sheer numbers. With roughly 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, they are a force to be reckoned with. But the Islamic religion is truly a heresy based on Judaism and an heretical form of Christianity. An examination of the Scriptures and the Fathers, Doctors, and Councils will dispel the claims of Islam.
Actually Islam is a weak religion. Otherwise they would give their adepts the right to free speech and freedom of belief or to convert etc ...