
Former Archbishop of Paris Criticises Francis' Pseudo-Blessings

The former Archbishop of Paris, Monsignor Michel Aupetit, told Francis on Twitter.com (27 December) that the Church exists to open the gates of heaven.

It must therefore "warn sinners that their sin, if it is deliberate, prevents them from gaining access to God". So it is out of love for the sinner that the Church denounces sin.

The Vatican correspondent of the "Catholic" Paris daily La Croix, Loup Besmond de Senneville, understood that Aupetit's statement was alluding to Francis' pseudo-blessing of homosexuals.

On 22 December, Aupetit had already written that we must bless the sinner "but never the sin that separates us from God". The sinner should be enabled to sin no more, to repent and to return to God.

Picture: Michel Aupetit, © François-Régis Salefran, wikipedia CC BY-SA, #newsTudozejozs