
Homosex Pseudo Blessings: Tucho Assumes that Everyone Is an Idiot

Speaking like an Anglican leader trying to hold together an imaginary communion, Tucho Fernández thinks it is "up to each local bishop" to decide whether to give homosexual "blessings" - as if the truth of the Gospels depended on the whims of bishops.

Speaking to the Spanish newspaper ABC (28 December), he referred specifically to Africa, where he said there are laws that "punish with imprisonment the mere fact of declaring oneself homosexual". This is nonsense, but it is a common practice among homosexual propagandists to exaggerate the position of their critics in order to present themselves as "victims".

Tucho insisted that his pseudo-blessing did not mean "accepting a marriage, nor is it a ratification of the life they lead, nor is it an absolution". The latter is an open admission that this "blessing" is in fact an approval of mortal sin.

Assuming that everyone is an idiot, Tucho then proclaimed: "We [= Bergoglio/Tucho] will have to get used to understanding that when a priest gives this kind of simple [pseudo] blessing, he is not a heretic [yes, he is], he is not ratifying anything [yes, he does], nor is he denying Catholic teaching on marriage [yes, he does].


Pope Francis calls woman with sex-change operation a ‘man' and calls partners ‘married’ - LifeSite
The diabolical manipulation of language begins by removing the Word "Sinful" from such 'irregular relationships'. And calling two unrepentant homosexuals who are complicit in the sin of sodomy a "couple." The homosexual Tucho in complicity with the gay activist Jorge Bergoglio normalizes the Sin of …More
Pope Francis calls woman with sex-change operation a ‘man' and calls partners ‘married’ - LifeSite

The diabolical manipulation of language begins by removing the Word "Sinful" from such 'irregular relationships'. And calling two unrepentant homosexuals who are complicit in the sin of sodomy a "couple." The homosexual Tucho in complicity with the gay activist Jorge Bergoglio normalizes the Sin of Sodomy, and for this they maliciously invent pseudo-blessings where the inveterate Sinner refuses to repent and seduce a part of the Church to renounce God to accept the abominable sin. of sodomy. Achieving a double apostasy. Note that by eliminating the True Meaning of Sin, Bergoglio replaces the mission of the Church, which is the salvation of souls, with issues of leftist politics, just as the Marxist pseudo-theologians of liberation do who have renounced God and the Church
Interesting that Tucho's sophistry didn't make the distinction between union and relationship demonstrating that they are two distinct species or ways of being. He didn't give any reasons because he knows that within every relationship their is an aspect of unity or union.
Sounds to me like they're reacting to all the shocked voices crying, " This is apostasy, this is evil."
In the today's World, they have elected the side
The Germanic bishops (with some in the Anglosphere) wanted Rome to rubber stamp what they’ve already been doing secretly. Pope Francis complied through the DDF, because he knows where the donations ($$$) mostly come from. Nether Francis nor +Fernández bothered to consider the conservative bishops in Africa, Asia and the Anglosphere because they don’t care. Now +Fernández is saying bishops don’t …More
The Germanic bishops (with some in the Anglosphere) wanted Rome to rubber stamp what they’ve already been doing secretly. Pope Francis complied through the DDF, because he knows where the donations ($$$) mostly come from. Nether Francis nor +Fernández bothered to consider the conservative bishops in Africa, Asia and the Anglosphere because they don’t care. Now +Fernández is saying bishops don’t have to implement it if they don’t want to. Again, they don’t care. Why, because it was never about the conservative bishops, preserving the faith, or what was good for the Church. It was about the liberal Germanic bishops, and what they wanted. They demanded, Francis provided, the end.
So….the Pope’s Chief Heretic & Deceiver, Anti Prefect Kisses-Butt, now wants everyone to “do your own thing” in the implementation of his heretical sodomy-blessing Declaration. He’s taking a “you do you” approach with an “everybody can handle it their own way” attitude, by which he hopes to placate the Africans, and at the same time, allow the schismatic Germans their Luther-inspired “Synodal …More
So….the Pope’s Chief Heretic & Deceiver, Anti Prefect Kisses-Butt, now wants everyone to “do your own thing” in the implementation of his heretical sodomy-blessing Declaration. He’s taking a “you do you” approach with an “everybody can handle it their own way” attitude, by which he hopes to placate the Africans, and at the same time, allow the schismatic Germans their Luther-inspired “Synodal Way” pseudo sodomite-marriage. Apparently, he thinks this will silence the voices of his opposition, both that of those around the world who are outraged and offended at his granting Vatican approval of unclean, perverted lifestyles and illicit sex acts, AND that of the apostates and infidels who think he didn’t nearly go far enough in unleashing their filth upon the Church and affirming them in their unnatural abominations. What we are witnessing is nothing less than the total and complete revocation and repudiation of the Church’s perennial Doctrine and Magisterium, and the full-on Anglicanization of Holy Mother Church; reducing her to an impotent amalgamation of chopped-up pieces, who are each left to go their own way in the furtherance of the Church’s mission. May it please the Lord to cast down these diabolical agents of hell and overthrow their foul work.