Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Teresa of Avila. The Visit in the UK was a Success Vatican Pope Benedict XVI has sent a personal letter of thanks to Archbishop Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Teresa of Avila.
The Visit in the UK was a Success
Pope Benedict XVI has sent a personal letter of thanks to Archbishop Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster and President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference in England and Wales. In the letter he describes his visit to the United Kingdom last month as "fruitful" and "such a success". According to the Pope the visit afforded "unprecedented opportunities to build new relationships and to strengthen existing ones, including with representatives of other religions."
Too Complicated?
Cardinal Keith Patrick O’Brien of Edinburgh and St. Andrews has told The Irish Post that he believes the anti-Catholic portion of the Act of Settlement must be repealed. The Act forbids a Catholic to accede to the British throne. It also stipulates that anyone in line to the throne who marries a Catholic forfeits their claim to the monarchy. “I’m told it’s too complicated to dismantle the legislation” – the …More
As a byzantine catholic I can say that yes, it has been imposed on our Churches in the US, but practically all denominarions are now ordaining married people. It depends personally on bishop's views and level of dependency on the superiors in Rome. Still, as a married priest I can say that married priesthood isn't a solution to anything. If anyone states that Roman Church will have more vocations …More
As a byzantine catholic I can say that yes, it has been imposed on our Churches in the US, but practically all denominarions are now ordaining married people. It depends personally on bishop's views and level of dependency on the superiors in Rome. Still, as a married priest I can say that married priesthood isn't a solution to anything. If anyone states that Roman Church will have more vocations if they allow married people to be ordained, they are wrong. If anything, they will probably have less.
Holy Cannoli
So far the Eastern Catholic churches have adhered to an agreement not to ordain married men in North America, in order to avoid conflicts with their Roman Catholic neighbors.
This is coming (very very slowly) to the Latin Church and to a certain extent it's already here with married Protestant miniters who convert and become Catholic priests.
So far the Eastern Catholic churches have adhered to an agreement not to ordain married men in North America, in order to avoid conflicts with their Roman Catholic neighbors.

This is coming (very very slowly) to the Latin Church and to a certain extent it's already here with married Protestant miniters who convert and become Catholic priests.
