Lullaby Prayer - Inanna. This is a beautiful video made by and sung by Inanna. She has graciously given permission to post this. She describes the video as: "Our Blessed Mother Mary's Lullaby To Baby Jesus …More
Lullaby Prayer - Inanna.
This is a beautiful video made by and sung by Inanna. She has graciously given permission to post this. She describes the video as:
"Our Blessed Mother Mary's Lullaby To Baby Jesus
In Aramaic "Assyrian" Inanna adds a pray that "I hope it can put your child to sleep and keep him safe with this simple and humble prayer."
Please visit her channel at :
Miss Maria
😇 Brother Elisha,
thank you for posting this Very beautiful voice !! Very nice!!
A special lullaby indeed!! 👌
😇 Pax!
😇 Brother Elisha,

thank you for posting this Very beautiful voice !! Very nice!!
A special lullaby indeed!! 👌

😇 Pax!