236 pages
Pope Paul VI's survival and the Secret of Fatima. In the 80s, in Switzerland, a victim soul was subjected to an expiatory demonic possession, during which demons were forced to denounce modernism, and …More
Pope Paul VI's survival and the Secret of Fatima.
In the 80s, in Switzerland, a victim soul was subjected to an expiatory demonic possession, during which demons were forced to denounce modernism, and to reveal a plot at the Vatican: the replacement of Pope Paul VI with a double in 1972, the exact year predicted by the seer Jacinta of Fatima; but this prophecy has been forgotten or described as apocryphal. On June 26th, 2000, the Vatican published the so-called Third Secret, and many persons affirmed – with good reason – that it was a false document. Thus, what is the way to know the true Secret? Admittedly, the newspaper Neues Europa had published a version of it on October 15th, 1963, but it specified that the essential part of the Secret had been removed. Therefore, how could we find back this part? The present book explains that the revelations of an Italian privileged soul, Teresa Musco (a stigmatic), most probably allow to reconstruct the true Third Secret, which is related to the …More
Ben Martin, you are not able to argue. Several people have seen the Holy Father. Read my book and come on, try to refute my words. Don't talk nonsense.
Ben Martin
crazy nonsense---just buck up to the facts---all the V2 "popes" are modernist heretics that have destroyed the face of the Church and are leading the faithful to Hell.
Want to see the real fake:…More
crazy nonsense---just buck up to the facts---all the V2 "popes" are modernist heretics that have destroyed the face of the Church and are leading the faithful to Hell.

Want to see the real fake:…
@Gregory G
I think you need a pure heart or close to see {or be chosen} by the Blessed Virgin Mary
anyways I thought this interesting>
I was reading in The Crusaders Almanac {Franciscan Publication on the Holy Land and other Catholic news} for April 1949
There is an article by an individual that recently visited Fatima.
He share some thoughts in the article .
He says " I had the happiness of meeting …More
@Gregory G

I think you need a pure heart or close to see {or be chosen} by the Blessed Virgin Mary
anyways I thought this interesting>

I was reading in The Crusaders Almanac {Franciscan Publication on the Holy Land and other Catholic news} for April 1949
There is an article by an individual that recently visited Fatima.
He share some thoughts in the article .

He says " I had the happiness of meeting the Bishop of Fatima. Most Reverend Jose Alves Correia da Silva " Then about 12 lines of compliments of same Bishop`s efforts he writes;

He is also the faithful custodian of the written statements of Sister Lucy , which contain the " third secret" of Our Lady. He {the Bishop} said the "secret" would be revealed in 1960
Gregory Gonzales
What is the purpose of all this secrecy? Why not come out and explain it to the world?? I think we have the right to know the truth of whatever is going to happen in the future!! I don't mean to disrespect the Blessed Mother our Lady of Fatima, but why would she tell these children these terrible things that are going to happen? They were only children incapable of understanding all these things, …More
What is the purpose of all this secrecy? Why not come out and explain it to the world?? I think we have the right to know the truth of whatever is going to happen in the future!! I don't mean to disrespect the Blessed Mother our Lady of Fatima, but why would she tell these children these terrible things that are going to happen? They were only children incapable of understanding all these things, if indeed she said anything at all!! Or is it made up by others who want to frighten the world? They say she told them a secret and to not tell anyone, okay, so why tell them anything? Like I said before I don't mean to disrespect the blessed Virgin our Mother, I love The Virgin Mary and i pray to her every day, She is our Mother in heaven after all!!