Padre Pio: More than the saint of stigmas. June 22, 2009. It was on a farm in a small town in southern Italy where Padre Pio, one of the most famous, studied, and loved saints of our time, grew up. His …More
Padre Pio: More than the saint of stigmas.
June 22, 2009. It was on a farm in a small town in southern Italy where Padre Pio, one of the most famous, studied, and loved saints of our time, grew up.
His name was Francesco and he was born on May 25, 1887. His parents, who were Christian were not at all surprised when he decided to become a capuchin. At 23, he was ordained a priest.
He couldnt join the order for six years because of his health problems. Once he entered the San Giovanni Rotondo convent his main ministry was to hear confessions to which he dedicated 14 hours of his day.
Friar Francesco Dileo
Order of Capuchins
It was in religious life where he became saintly. He lived the virtues of religious life in a very deep manner. This showed the world a great saint, a man who decided to devote his life to the service of God and men.
But God asked more of him. In 1918, when he was 31, his hands and his side began to reveal signs of the same wounds Christ suffered on the cross caused by …More
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