Benedict XVI: continue on in the ecumenical dialogue. St. Paul teaches us that the unity of the Church is the fullness of the Will of Christ. Benedict XVI noted this, in a short address to the Finnish …More
Benedict XVI: continue on in the ecumenical dialogue.
St. Paul teaches us that the unity of the Church is the fullness of the Will of Christ. Benedict XVI noted this, in a short address to the Finnish delegation, on a visit to Rome and the Vatican for the feast of the martyr St. Henry.
Benedict XVI noted that the visit falls during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and 10 years since the Joint Declaration on Justification by the Lutheran-Catholic Committee of Finland. Dialogue on fundamental theological themes deepens the understanding of the salvation brought by Christ, and of the role of the Church, which is not simply an assembly of believers, the Holy Father said, but an institution which includes many different functions.
ecclesia militans
I hope he means "Conversion to the Catholic Church" by "Christian Unity" .