'Tridentine Spirituality' Will Save the World Catholic theologian David Torkington urges Catholics to return to traditional 'Tridentine Spirituality' as the answer to the rampant selfishness gripping …More
'Tridentine Spirituality' Will Save the World
Catholic theologian David Torkington urges Catholics to return to traditional 'Tridentine Spirituality' as the answer to the rampant selfishness gripping the world after Vatican II. Torkington asserts that contemplative prayer rooted in the ancient Jewish 'Shema' of Israel — finding full expression in the Council of Trent and the Tridentine Mass — has the power to transform our world and return to first principles: total love and fidelity to God. Discover how faithful Catholics can authentically give their lives to God through traditional contemplative prayer steeped in thousands of years of faithful devotion.
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@Cc Ss You say "Just the Mass" The Mass is the Pinnacle of Christian Worship and Christian life. All grace flows through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
A Freemason or an Atheist can be a great humanitarian but that does not make them a Good Catholic.
Your accusation is false, and contains several modernist errors besides. The Catholic Church leads the world in charitable acts, True, but contrary …More
@Cc Ss You say "Just the Mass" The Mass is the Pinnacle of Christian Worship and Christian life. All grace flows through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
A Freemason or an Atheist can be a great humanitarian but that does not make them a Good Catholic.

Your accusation is false, and contains several modernist errors besides. The Catholic Church leads the world in charitable acts, True, but contrary to your comment that includes all Catholics (Not just the N.O. church your allude to.) That slur is typical of those that have replaced worship and adoration of God with works for their measure of a good Catholic.
Catholics that worship at the Tridentine Mass(so-called) are per capita the most devout and generous Catholics in the Church. They are Catholic in every way, and excel in charitable acts, both material,and spiritual as Catholics have done for 2 Milenia.

Now to you on the other hand...Apparently not so much
Helaas wordt de 'Tridentine spiritualiteit' door paus Franciscus verboden, daarom is het ook een oude stervende kleiner wordende kerk en de Sint Pius X broederschap en de Sint Petrus broederschap met hun prachtige 'Tridentine spiritualiteit' jonge bloeiende en groter worden kerken.
Cc Ss
Just the mass? Why do the Trad churches not organize charitable outreach or corporal works of mercy? It’s very focused on obtaining grace for the self and not getting in the trenches to assist our brethren as a way of saving our souls and perhaps the other’s too. No denying it, the NO church still leads the world in charitable acts despite not witnessing the TLM. Are they worse off?
Credo .
@andrew24157 post. (I think) Be of good cheer. Abandon yourself into the Sacred Heart and let Him take care of everything!~ St. Padre Pio. ~ 🙏 🙏 🙏
John Henry Westen seems to have lost his way a bit. First, he does a show with the completely false prophet and heretic David Sorensen, who preaches a doctrine that pits Jesus against the Church and against religion in general. A prophet who himself proclaims a new religion with all sorts of confused notions about God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (see his website ontdekgod.nl/religion/'- …More
John Henry Westen seems to have lost his way a bit. First, he does a show with the completely false prophet and heretic David Sorensen, who preaches a doctrine that pits Jesus against the Church and against religion in general. A prophet who himself proclaims a new religion with all sorts of confused notions about God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (see his website ontdekgod.nl/religion/'- unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) only in Dutch). And John Henry presents him as someone who sees through the world and can give a true prophetic vision.
Now John Henry comes with the theologian David Torkington. This may be a good theologian - I do not know him - but John Henry presents him as the one who has THE answer to the crisis of the Church today. There is no one who has THE answer except the Holy Spirit, except Jesus, except Mary. On them we must place our hope and not on any human being, no matter how spiritual.