Too Young To Wed. The secret world of child brides.More
Too Young To Wed.
The secret world of child brides.
It is the month of Ramadan and the perfect time to circulate a video featuring the eloquent testimony of an 11-year old Muslim girl speaking about the plight of Yemeni
child brides. Not unsurprisingly the video of Nada al-Ahdal has gone viral, and has recently been uploaded on this website by two forum members (Miscelánea / ChristusDeus).
When I see any video with the “imprimatur” of MEMRI, I …More
It is the month of Ramadan and the perfect time to circulate a video featuring the eloquent testimony of an 11-year old Muslim girl speaking about the plight of Yemeni
child brides. Not unsurprisingly the video of Nada al-Ahdal has gone viral, and has recently been uploaded on this website by two forum members (Miscelánea / ChristusDeus).

When I see any video with the “imprimatur” of MEMRI, I know I am going to view a video that will portray Muslims in a wholly negative manner. MEMRI presents itself as being fair and balanced, but in reality it is a pro-Zionist organization. MEMRI unremittingly chooses to propagate videos that feature Arabic speaking Muslim extremists, whilst omitting to showcase any videos which feature Hebrew speaking Jewish extremists.

A variety of religions are associated with child marriage, but in reality, child marriage
has far more to do with cultural rather than religious practices. The highest rate of child marriage in the world occurs in a majority Christian region. Lest we Europeans consider ourselves to be free from this cultural practice, child marriage does occur amongst the Romani people in a number of European countries.