WYD Lisbon 2023: LGBT activist James Martin SJ preaches at Saint Roch's Church

The Church of Saint Roch in Lisbon survived the earthquake of 1755, but it could not resist the apostasy that is currently affecting the Catholic Church right to the top. God help us! Source: Facebook …More
The Church of Saint Roch in Lisbon survived the earthquake of 1755, but it could not resist the apostasy that is currently affecting the Catholic Church right to the top. God help us!
Source: Facebook/Fr. James Martin, SJ (02/08/2023)
Jeffrey Ade
@Defeat Modernism So true, so sad! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Defeat Modernism
An invalid priest, and a valid sodomite. A wicked man teaching a perverse generation.
Watch the beautiful, gracefilled youthfestival in Medjugorje: Medjugorje: 34° MLADIFEST ( 3° giorno) - 28 luglio 2023
I don't support what goes on there.
Long Live Christ The King
Defeat Modernism
@petrus100452 Medjugorje is a false apparition that teaches all religions are equal This is Freemasonry and is diabolic. Medj is a money making scam.
@rhemes1582 @Defeat Modernism: you both make a huge mistake concerning Medjugorje. But time will show you.