2,000-year-old fragment of New Testament manuscript is discovered for sale on eBay for just $99 MirFactov on Nov 23, 2015A rare, nearly 2,000-year-old New Testament manuscript has been discovered on …More
2,000-year-old fragment of New Testament manuscript is discovered for sale on eBay for just $99
MirFactov on Nov 23, 2015A rare, nearly 2,000-year-old New Testament manuscript has been discovered on eBay at a starting bid of just $99.
The eBay listing was spotted by an assistant professor at the University of Texas, Geoffrey Smith, the New York Times reported.
The ancient Greek papyrus, which reportedly dates to between A.D. 250 and A.D. 350, is from the Gospel of John.
✍️ Last January, Geoffrey Smith, a scholar of early Christianity at the University of Texas, noticed something startling: an eBay listing for an ancient Greek papyrus fragment of the Gospel of John — with an opening bid of only $99.…/greek-new-testa…