BREAKING: Vatican official says St. Peter’s Basilica will bless homosexual ‘couples’

BREAKING: Vatican official says St. Peter's Basilica will bless homosexual 'couples' - LifeSite

According to a report in the Italian newspaperIl Messaggero today, the archpriest of Rome’s most famous …
And then Rome tells governments to arrest those who oppose! Kyrie Eleison
Oh it’s going to get much worse than this…..much, MUCH worse. Just wait until the Holy Father himself performs the blasphemous “blessing” personally, standing before the whole Church and the entire world. THAT’S when the excrement is going to really hit the fan.
John A Cassani
St. Peter’s is going to need to be exorcised along the lines of what was done at the Pantheon, when it was consecrated as a church.