Steve Jalsevac
Steve Jalsevac

Dr. Gabor Maté Speaks Out on Israel and Palestine: A Must-Watch Discussion

This is a moving, very helpful testimony that I have been promoting. I have been shocked to discover the level of brutality, oppression and murderous violence that has been done by Zionists against Palestinians and that they have been able to skillfully hide it from people in the West for several decades. It is a horror story.
Of course we cannot condone the Hamas violence but we can, once we learn …More
This is a moving, very helpful testimony that I have been promoting. I have been shocked to discover the level of brutality, oppression and murderous violence that has been done by Zionists against Palestinians and that they have been able to skillfully hide it from people in the West for several decades. It is a horror story.

Of course we cannot condone the Hamas violence but we can, once we learn the full truth, understand why some have done these things. The Zionists have committed far more killings and violence than have Palestinians since 1947, but few are aware of this and have been so deeply brainwashed by Zionist propaganda that it is tremendously difficult to convince them to accept the truth, no matter how much solid evidence is presented.

The Zionist war-mongering and their plans to soon build a third temple are incredibly dangerous to peace in the Middle East. It threatens to spiral out of control into a great powers nuclear conflict.

I previously had no idea how often the Zionist government has threatened to use nuclear weapons if the US did not give them what they demanded. This time, their threat is more likely to happen than ever before because of how reckless and determined they are and how much they are provoking a war that will threaten Israel as never before. They will use them if Iran goes all-out against an attack from Israel in response to their reaction against the Devastating assassination attack on their consulate in Syria. No one was killed, as planned, by the Iranian missile and drone response but they warned that if Israel attacked them, they would react with a far greater punch than the first time. We should believe them. They gave Israel and the US plenty of time to prepare for their initial response to the assassinations, hence almost all the drones and missiles were shot down, no one was killed by them and minimal damage occurred. It was an impressive, carefully managed action.

The current Israeli leadership desperately wants a war with Iran but can only do it if they can lure the United States to join in the attack. We must all pray and work to convince US political leaders to have nothing to do with such an incredibly dangerous, mad military venture that will bring in Russia and China and threaten to explode into the world’s first war between nuclear powers.

God help us all.
Steve Jalsevac

Dr. Gabor Maté Speaks Out on Israel and Palestine: A Must-Watch Discussion

How can you be so closed-minded and heartless to such an appeal? It boggles the mind that you just accept all the zionist propaganda and mass slaughter that is going on now in Gaza. You hear no evil, see no evil except the for the propaganda you have been constantly fed by our highly controlled media. Your response could have been written by the huge Israeli zionizt propaganda machine.
Many thousands …More
How can you be so closed-minded and heartless to such an appeal? It boggles the mind that you just accept all the zionist propaganda and mass slaughter that is going on now in Gaza. You hear no evil, see no evil except the for the propaganda you have been constantly fed by our highly controlled media. Your response could have been written by the huge Israeli zionizt propaganda machine.

Many thousands of Jews are very outspoken and protesting against what is going on in Gaza. They have a heart and feel shame for what the zionists are doing to so many thousands of innocent Palestinian women and children. There are numerous alternative websites showing photos and videos exposing the Zionist evil deeds that most media refuse to show or the zionists censor or kill an all-time record number of journalists to stop most of them from reporting the horrible truth. But, in this age of the cell phone they would have to kill everyone to prevent them from being used to record the slaughter and devastation - and they are trying to do just that.

Iran does not have nuclear weapons. That is a lie constantly promoted by Israel to justify its violence and terrorism. Wake up! You are being used, or, you may be a zionist agent whose job it is to undermine this brave, truthful message from an honest, God-loving Jew.