Baying Beagle Scares Alligator Away || ViralHog

Why anyone would want to live next to a pond in allegator country is beyond me.

Pope Francis’ future tomb, at the feet of the Virgin Mary

Since this man is monumentally conceited and political, he may want to be buried there so he will be segregated from other popes and a cult could more easily be formed around him, with the location of his body becoming a pilgrimage site for all his fellow non-believing “Catholic” fans, and they could be inspired to continue their yet unfinished goal of dismantling the Church.

Viral Video: Authoritarian Priest Refuses Communion

The archdiocese reaffirms that Communion on the tongue must be given if requested, but makes no mention of the priest being punished for being arrogantly disobedient to the bishop and deliberately humiliating one of God's faithful.

Football Player Speaks Truth - National Football League Lets Its Pants Down

He also has more faith than most of them.

Spain: Whole Convent of Poor Clares Joins a Sedevacantist Group

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Rowan: Trustees Have Been Asleep at the Wheel

Penn hasn't had a male president for the last 30 years, so it got soft (same thing has happened to most Ivies). The Board needs to hire a strong, clear-thinking man confident enough to reject the strange intellectually dishonest era we're going through and make Penn a university again, not the foggy-brained social work project it's become. Preferably one young enough to be around for a couple of …More
Penn hasn't had a male president for the last 30 years, so it got soft (same thing has happened to most Ivies). The Board needs to hire a strong, clear-thinking man confident enough to reject the strange intellectually dishonest era we're going through and make Penn a university again, not the foggy-brained social work project it's become. Preferably one young enough to be around for a couple of decades, because the damage is so deep that's how long it will take to clean up the mess.

Leave behind Tridentine model of priesthood, embrace synodality, Cardinal Hollerich bids parish priests

The priests who were selected by their bishops to attend this were already true Francis believers, so this was really just a political meeting.

Renowned Scientist: All Covid-Vaxxed 'Will Die in 3 to 5 Years' - Slay News

The professor's a lady, not a "he".

Francis Cuts Catholic College from Its Life Line

How much longer, Lord?

Rally in Hamburg: “Allahu akbar” and caliphate instead of “German dictatorship” (Videos)

Unless people vote for the AfD nothing will change, they will only get worse. The German Church needs to stop badmouthing the AfD and get over thinking everything right of the now-defacto-socialist CDU is neo-Nazism.

The espionage affair concerning top AfD politician Krah is increasingly becoming a secret service …

Is there ANYONE Germany doesn't give a passport to?

Andrew Bridgen speaks in British parliament. Turns out that hospitals gave the elderly that were sick …

Not as diabolical as you make it sound. They use it to calm the person before the death drug is given. Read this info on it from Mayo Clinic:
"Midazolam injection is used to produce sleepiness or drowsiness and relieve anxiety before surgery or certain procedures. When midazolam is used before surgery, the patient will not remember some of the details about the procedure. Midazolam injection is …More
Not as diabolical as you make it sound. They use it to calm the person before the death drug is given. Read this info on it from Mayo Clinic:

"Midazolam injection is used to produce sleepiness or drowsiness and relieve anxiety before surgery or certain procedures. When midazolam is used before surgery, the patient will not remember some of the details about the procedure. Midazolam injection is also used as an anesthesia to produce loss of consciousness before and during surgery.

Midazolam injection is also used to treat status epilepticus, a severe type of seizure where there is more than one seizure within 5 minutes.

Midazolam is a benzodiazepine. Benzodiazepines belong to the group of medicines called central nervous system (CNS) depressants, which are medicines that slow down the nervous system.

Bishop Stika: Gone But Not Forgotten – Reportedly Threatening Priests

I cringe at the thought of Cardinal Rigali living with that man. I hope someone's checking on him regularly.

Greedy hand of government goes wild in Massachusetts: ‘Basically, we’re going after everyone who has …

She sounds like an idealistic high school kid. Might have been better if an adult had been appointed to that job.

Transgender Activist Dylan Mulvaney to Speak at Jesuit St. Louis University

Just those Jesuit boys acting up again when what they really should be doing is reeducating themselves on the concept of intellectual honesty.

A Bishop Apologises for Calling Biden “Stupid”

Francis's health must be better than advertised if he can jump into action that quickly.

NYPD arrests 108 pro-Palestinian protesters at Columbia University

Being anti-semitic is now what the "cool kids" on campus are, so all the morally and intellectually brain dead students desperate for popularity just join the march, as that type of person always does.

Francis Can Barely Walk - Plans Ambitious Trip To Asia Pacific Region

Francis has been so duplicitous since the second he stood on the balcony it's impossible to know if he's really suffering or just play-acting, so it's hard to sympathize with him. With the vastly increase speed of his dismantling of the Church recently, I suspect he's handed over power to someone else (or some group) that does all the work while he naps so he can stay mostly awake at his next PR …More
Francis has been so duplicitous since the second he stood on the balcony it's impossible to know if he's really suffering or just play-acting, so it's hard to sympathize with him. With the vastly increase speed of his dismantling of the Church recently, I suspect he's handed over power to someone else (or some group) that does all the work while he naps so he can stay mostly awake at his next PR appearance.

Over 400 Baptisms Witnessed in Communist China during Easter Vigil SWNews

I wouldn't be surprised if half of them are just undercover operatives to make sure things don't turn too Catholic.