Eugene Michael Farrell
He was supposed to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, but this is way better..
Eugene Michael Farrell shares from

Statement Regarding the Recent Imposition of Compulsory Vaccinations in Some American Dioceses. By ArchbishopCarlo Maria Viganò

We have learned that in some dioceses in the United States of America, and in particular in the Archdiocese of Chicago, the Ecclesiastical Authority is imposing on its clerics and pastoral workers the …More
We have learned that in some dioceses in the United States of America, and in particular in the Archdiocese of Chicago, the Ecclesiastical Authority is imposing on its clerics and pastoral workers the vaccination requirement as a condition for attending celebrations, liturgical and pastoral activities and even for the mere fact of being priests with a ministry. Similar despotic measures are also imposed in Italy and other countries.
Priests who do not comply with the Ordinary's orders will be deprived of their priestly faculties and means of subsistence. As a result, many churches will be closed to the great detriment of the Salus animarum, due to the lack of clerics which makes it impossible to replace those who do not allow themselves to be injected with the experimental gene serum. From what we know, there are quite a few pastors of souls who will display, as is their full right as citizens and Catholics, a clear refusal to sacrilegious and illegitimate provisions, which are null and …More
Eugene Michael Farrell shares from Live Mike
BOOM! Sen. Ron Johnson Drops Truth-Bomb on Senate Floor – 63% of UK COVID Δ Deaths in Last 7 ½ Months WERE FULLY VAXXED! (Video)

BOOM! Sen. Ron Johnson Drops Truth-Bomb on Senate Floor - 63% of UK Delta Deaths in Last 7.5 Months …

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) continued to drop truth bombs in the US Senate on the coronavirus pandemic …
Facts Not Lies
This neatly reflects the same statistics for the common cold prior to 2018. In short... 1) We still have no cure for the common cold 2) These false flag …More
This neatly reflects the same statistics for the common cold prior to 2018.
In short...
1) We still have no cure for the common cold
2) These false flag efforts with fake antiviruses and masks shows we still have no viable method of preventing people from catching a cold and occasionally (0.003%) , it getting to be a bad cold if you are under 80 y/o.

Jab Remorse, Vaccine Dangers In Pregnancy, And Pilots Fight Against Covid Injection Mandates (3 Videos …

If you have “jab remorse” there are ways to treat the antibody dependent enhancement that you may …
Eugene Michael Farrell shares from

A Forgotten Heresy

In 1899 Pope Leo XIII wrote to Baltimore’s Cardinal James Gibbons a Letter, known as Testem Benevolentiae. In this letter the Pontiff addressed the heresy of Americanism. In this way he started the …More
In 1899 Pope Leo XIII wrote to Baltimore’s Cardinal James Gibbons a Letter, known as Testem Benevolentiae.
In this letter the Pontiff addressed the heresy of Americanism. In this way he started the Letter:
“We send to you by this letter a renewed expression of that good will which we have not failed during the course of our pontificate to manifest frequently to you and to your colleagues in the episcopate and to the whole American people, availing ourselves of every opportunity offered us by the progress of your church or whatever you have done for safeguarding and promoting Catholic interests.
Moreover, we have often considered and admired the noble gifts of your nation which enable the American people to be alive to every good work which promotes the good of humanity and the splendor of civilization.
Although this letter is not intended, as preceding ones, to repeat the words of praise so often spoken, but rather to call attention to some things to be avoided and corrected; still …More
Eugene Michael Farrell shares from

The Corona Scandal: Chronology of an Announced Crisis – By Thomas Binder MD*

For 18 months, "Corona experts", health authorities, governments and mainstream media have been doing everything they can to cloud our view of the Corona reality. This reality seems apparently to be …More
For 18 months, "Corona experts", health authorities, governments and mainstream media have been doing everything they can to cloud our view of the Corona reality. This reality seems apparently to be incredibly complicated. Yet the reality, as is almost always the case, is incredibly simple.
All we must do is pick up the fragmented, decontextualised pieces of the puzzle that have been lying open in front of us for 18 months, de-fragment and contextualise them, and suddenly we can see the very big picture crystal clear.
On 31 December 2019, the Chinese CDC, the equivalent of our Swiss Federal Office for Public Health, headed by virologist Dr George Gao, reported 27 cases of pneumonia of unknown cause to the WHO - out of a population of China of 1.4 billion. Two and a half months earlier, on 18 October 2019, Dr George Gao had participated in a simulation of a corona pandemic that had broken out not in China but in South America, conducted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johns …More
Eugene Michael Farrell
Brilliantly clarified in comprehensive vernacular grammar. thank you sir.