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Plinio Correa de Oliveira. O Cruzado do Século XXMais
Plinio Correa de Oliveira.
O Cruzado do Século XX
THE TWENTIETH CENTURY CRUSADE. ByPlinio Corrêa de Oliveira (*) In theMiddleAges the Crusaders shed their blood to free theSepulcherof Our Lord Jesus Christ from the hands of the infidels and to establish …Mais
ByPlinio Corrêa de Oliveira (*)
In theMiddleAges the Crusaders shed their blood to free theSepulcherof Our Lord Jesus Christ from the hands of the infidels and to establish a Christian kingdom in theHoly Land.
Today the blood of the sons of the Church again flows inPolandandHungaryas well as inCzechoslovakiaand inChina.But for what?To free Christendom from the yoke of the Communist Anti-Christ and to restore theKingdomofChrist, the supreme ideal of Catholics and, therefore, our constant aim.
That is what I will attempt to define through the explanation of the principles presented here, as a preliminary outline of our activities.
The Catholic Church was founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ to perpetuate the benefits of Redemption among men. Thus, its ultimate end is identical with that of Redemption itself: to atone for the sins of mankind through the infinitely precious merits of the God-made-man; to restore to God the external glory that …Mais