
El Papa aprueba la canonización de Carlo Acutis

I have read that he was embalmed. We should be praying for his soul. How could it hurt?

Francis Draws Accusations of Heresy for Claiming Humans ‘Fundamentally Good’

Thought we were "children of wrath" until adopted as children by God after baptism and in a state of grace.

Michael Matt video: The famous historian of Chartres, Malcolm Miller, explains the massive Catholic …

Is there a tabernacle with Our Lord present in the main church, other than the side chapels? I have always been under the impression that if the space is consecrated to Him and He is present then it is His, and He should always be the strict center of our adoring and God-fearing attention. Isn't this the way it used to be? Just wondering.

Catholic ‘hermit’ approved by heterodox Bishop Stowe comes out as ‘transgender’ - LifeSite

Must be a pleasure to watch at feeding time.

Michael Matt video: The famous historian of Chartres, Malcolm Miller, explains the massive Catholic …

Used to be taught that there should be no gabbing in the presence of Our Lord in the sanctuary. Reserved for outside.

"Schmutzigster Mann der Welt" im Iran gestorben

Baths will kill when the skin is suddenly cleaned of this additional barrier. Once saw a patient come in like this hosting 7 different species of bugs and the nurse, bless her heart, scrubbed all the buildup off of him. The shock to the organ of the skin was too much. Have to be slowly cleaned up over time.