Gerard the Real Catholic
Gerard the Real Catholic

Refusing to Submit to the Roman Pontiff is Spiritual Shipwreck: The SSPX are Protestant

As I thought, Fr. Nicholson does not have a clue as to what he speaks of. Or, if he does, he is deliberately trying to mislead people. Creating straw man arguments is less about drawing people away from the SSPX who actually have experienced it, but rather to dissuade people who have never checked them out firsthand to avoid it at all.
He is promoting a false obedience which is essentially the …More
As I thought, Fr. Nicholson does not have a clue as to what he speaks of. Or, if he does, he is deliberately trying to mislead people. Creating straw man arguments is less about drawing people away from the SSPX who actually have experienced it, but rather to dissuade people who have never checked them out firsthand to avoid it at all.

He is promoting a false obedience which is essentially the error of Neo-Ultramontanism. The great enabler of the crisis in the Church.

To call the SSPX "gnostics" is simply absurd on its face. There is no "secret knowledge" the SSPX position is and always has been clear and above board. (Unlike the machinations of Popes and bishops throughout the last few decades especially) The earth does not go from round to flat because the Pope suddenly says so. A Pope can publicly lie about a man, a crisis, the world, other religions or a group of priests and other bishops, the same as any other man.

Re: Jurisdiction: The SSPX doesn't claim "jurisdiction" at all. The faithful are supplied the necessary jurisdiction by the Church as provided for in Canon Law. 1335. Holy Mother Church does not abandon her children to the machinations of corrupt clergy who happen to be canonically embracing the apostates and suspending the faithful clergy.

"Followers" of archbishop Lefebvre are simply followers of the Catholic faith. If they are "gnostic" then St. Thomas Aquinas was gnostic.

It is disingenuous to deliberately confuse legitimate resistance to a Pope's malfeasance in high office as he dismantles the Church. It's perfectly legitimate to point out that the Pope is a fallible man who needs to be rebuked as St. Paul did to St. Peter. "…because he was to blame." And attempting to thwart the "auto-demolition" of the Church and retreat to SSPX "catacombs" in order to worship God in a truly Catholic way, without the absurd nonsense that has been driving people out of the Church for decades is laudable. it's also disingenuous to white wash, ignore or soft-pedal the crisis in the Church, at that point, one becomes an accessory to another's sin.

You'll find more legitimate preaching by all of the Popes of past and present in SSPX chapels than you will in diocesan parishes. (I know this, because I have spent decades going to both. which is something these attack dog priests have not done. )

What would St. Paul think of this recent crop of sorry pontiffs? Pope Francis puts a beach ball on the altar next to the tabernacle? What's with the refusal to genuflect before the Lord God Almighty? He sure can drop to his knees to wash a Muslim woman's feet symbolically on Holy Thursday.

He may be Pope and it is an act of charity to call him out even by nobodies like the little Catholics scattered throughout the Church including those who frequent SSPX chapels.

"Submitting" to the Pope is not "yielding" to his errors and abuses. One can submit to his legitimate authority and resist his abuse of it. That's not LeFebvre, that's St. Paul and the traditional teaching of the Church beautifully explained by St. Thomas.

You have a situation now in which canonically regular priests that will not tell you the truth and instead try and gloss over facts and browbeat people into a false non-catholic understanding of obedience. These priests will never tell you when a Pope has done something obviously wrong. They are afraid to.

Liberals condemn orthodoxy and demand heterodoxy and dissent from Church teaching from Popes.

Traditionalists condemn heterodoxy and request and pray for orthodoxy and clarity and leadership from the Popes.

And the recent Popes by their actions and inactions side with the liberals in an attempted suicide of the Petrine office. Heck they promote them to the college of Cardinals in some cases.

You want to see real devotion to the saintly Popes of the past and compassion and devotion for the recent Popes to bring us out of this mess, with a no-nonsense understanding of just how and why the Church is in such a mess? Then go to the SSPX or something similar.

Diocesan machinery and the fear of retribution from superiors will always prevent weak-kneed clergy from telling the truth to the flock.